VILLIANS- Cain Chase

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FULL NAME ;Cain Chase (pronounced Kane)
── DOB, AGE ;February 14th, 1998, 25 years old
── GENDER, PRONOUNS ;male, he/him
──SEXUALITY ;heterosexual

FACECLAIM ;Diego Barrueco

── EXTRA FEATURES ;( scars ) : he is littered with scars from fighting and boxing, though the most noticeable one is a scar down his lip.( tattoos ) : he has a bunch of tattoos, mostly greek mythology or biblically inspired such as the mark of Cain on his left pec.( piercings ) : he has a septum piercing ( animal physiology ) :  He has bull horns and a tail, though he can glamour/conceal them when he wishes.
── CLOTHING STYLE ;   Mostly black, the typical "bad boy" style.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ──ALLEGIANCE DESC ; Cain stands at about 6 feet and 2 inches, with nearly black hair and dark brown eyes. His skin is relatively tan and he even has some freckling on his face. He typically wears darker colored and casual clothes.

PERSONALITY DESC ;Cain has struggled with anger his entire life, it's not surprising that the sun of wrath chose him to posses. It was the only way that he felt he could blow off steam and solve his problems. Besides, it's better to be feared than loved isn't it? He loves making other people mad as well, he thinks it's funny to watch other people lose their temper and fall apart, and he's quite good at causing such chaos. He is short tempered and explosive, the slightest thing can set him off and it's usually hard to calm him down. He feels completely justified in resorting to violence, and will resort to it mostly before anything else. If someone manages to somehow reach his gentler side he becomes fiercely protective. Though getting in his good graces is nearly impossible and most of the time at random. He is a bit of a flirt, though his temper normally turns people away.

── WEAKNESSES ; he is quick to act, not normally thinking through his options. He is not personable in the slightest, he has very few friends due to this and is often disliked. He had an extremely hard time communicating his feelings, he much rather show his feelings through actions which are often destructive.
── STRENGTHS ; he is strong, physically of course due to his interest in fighting.
He gets underestimated in regards to his intelligence, but he is actually quite strategic and street smart.
He is loyal to those he cares about, he would die for only a handful of people.
── OTHER ; he often has nightmares related to his rough upbringing.

( mother ) : Lila Chase, 48, alive
( father ) : Richard Chase, 50, alive
── SIBLINGS ; he has no siblings.

( current partner ) : none
( previous partners ) : nothing serious, just hookups
( crush or crushes ) : he has a crush on sloth

── OTHER ; He grew up in a household where violence was going on continuously, and he was repeatedly taught that if he didn't stick up for himself through fighting then he would get hurt. This is what sparked his quick temper and violent tendencies.

His looks

His looks

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