Lyca Francesca Flair

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Chapter One

I give up.

I'm done with this shit.

I can't do it anymore.

I'm tired.

I can't pretend that I'm fine and that I've move on, when in reality I haven't.

It's so hard to put on a mask for everyone.

I rolled over so I was staring at the ceiling.

It's dark...

My vision was blurry from all the tears I'm shedding. I brought my arm up to cover my eyes. I could feel the liquid pouring from my eyes. The only thing I could hear was my sobs. I'm so pathetic.

I could feel my other hand clutching a frame. A frame, that I was very well acquainted.

Inside was a picture taken over three years ago. It was on the day we both graduated from high school. Ironically, it was also our last photo together.

"You liar. You left me. Why did you leave me?" I asked the quite air. If it was possible my sobs grew louder, the pain I felt intensified. I curled into a ball clutching my chest, the more I cried the more it hurts. It hurts to the point I can't breathe.



I took shaky breaths.

Let it all go. And afterwards laugh and live.

I raised the cursed object up. The moonlight coming from my balcony was enough to illuminate the object. It was us, we were both happy. My brown locks were curled away from my face, I had make-up on and my turquoise eyes were bright. His blonde locks was styled and gelled back, he had his signature smirk painted his blue eyes was looking at me and his arm was dangled around my shoulders.


We were clearly happy.


A pang of hurt, and pain shot me. I couldn't hold it any longer. I was debating whether to throw away the frame or not. I clutched it even tighter.


I knew it myself that I couldn't throw it away.

I blindly looked for the drawer on my bedside table. I opened it and slammed the frame facing down. I flicked the switch of the lamp. And instantly light took over the darkness. I threw away my blankets and sat up.

I'm gonna be okay.

Sometimes it all gets a little too much. And this is too much. I have to glue my wracked self again. It has been three years. I have to move on, for myself.

I untied my messy pony tail and fixed my hair to a bun. Using my hands, I wiped away my tears and sweat. I got up walked towards my bathroom. I slashed the cold water on my face. I saw my reflection in the mirror. Hair in a bun, the bags under my eyes were visible, eyes puffy and blood shot. I smiled.I smiled a real smile.

Stop crying. It's enough.

I'm no longer the same person as I was before you left me.

But I'll fix myself. I'll move on from you. I'll be happy. My life will be better.

I walked back to my desk and bent to reach the big box underneath.

Your name, LUKE was boldly written on all the sides of the box. I opened it all and saw all the things you gave me. All the pictures we took, the proof of our happiness for two years.

I grabbed the box and my coat and went out of my room, walked to the garage and went inside my car. I then started the engine and drove to a nearby cliff.

When I reached my destination, I walked towards the edge and dropped the box. I watched it descend and after a few moments I heard a splash.


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I'm Lyca Francesca Flair. I'm heart broken.

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That was honestly hard to write. I had to listen to a lot of sad songs about heartache, broken hearts and the like. I never experienced my heart being broken.

Tell me what do you think of Lyca...her situation...


If you were in Lyca's place/shoes/situation what would you do?

P.S : This will be the very first time I will be doing this...


5 reads and 2 votes...

Too much? Am I mean?

I'd love to chit chat with you guys, so message me, comment down below and all the jazz...



Little Miss R.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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