Teasing - Dustard (☁)

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Dust x fell, fyi i hc that dust is slightly shorter than fell lol

Fell pov:
I ran out of my home and was booking it to waterfall, being chased by my Papyrus.

Like a struck of luck a mysterious portal opened up and i jumped in, it slowly closing behind me, before it did i could hear my brothers screaming then it going completely silent when the portal shut completely

Fell: "phew....that was fucking close...where am i anyways?"

Dust: "youre in Dusttale buddy."

Fell: looks behind him "oh...did you make that portal?"

Dust: "yeah...."

Fell: "why?"

Dust: "to save yo ass from your brother"

Fell: "how did you even know i was in trouble?!?"

Dust: "i have my ways."

Fell: "ok.....what do even want?"

Dust: grabbed fells wrists and pulled his closer, making fell wrap his arms around his waist "i want to show you real affection" let go of fells wrists and wraps arms around fells neck

Fell: "thats fucking gay dude and im not gay..." unwrapped hand around dusts waist "you better unwrap your fuc-"

Dust: kissed fell to shut him up thdn pulled away "heh..sorry~"

Fell: blushes slightly "ew....what the fuck dude..."

Dust: "i can tell you liked it~~ hehe" kisses him again

Fell: "mmm!-" slowly kissed back and wrapped arms around dusts waist now

Dust: pulled away "not gay huh?"

Fell: "shut up....."

Dust: "make me~"

Fell: "grrr..." picked dust up "dont test me dust..."

Dust: wrapped legs around fells torso "hehe~ is that a challenge?"

Fell: "ugh..."

Dust: "annoying you yet?"

Fell: "yes. You fucking asshole. Fuck you."

Dust: "please do~"


Dust: "awh....ok..." kisses fells neck

Fell: "hnnn...no...stop.."

Dust: "fine..." nuzzles him and smiled at him

Fell: "ugh...." kisses dusts forehead "love you, you asshole"

Dust: "love you too~"

Words: 311

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