Saviour - Dancelust (☁🚩)

18 2 0

CONTAINS: implications of IPV (intimate partner v¡0l3nc3)


3rd person pov:

There was a au party being held. Every sans au was invited. But only some of them came

Lust and Fell walked in together, lust was in a more covering outfit and looked nervous. Fell pulled lust closer and lust almost bust down in tears but put on a fake smile.

After some time Fell and Lust where now at the drink and food table. Fell handed him a red solo cup of what seemed like juice. Lust was about to drink until someone 'accidentally' bumped into him making lust spill the drink. Fell growled and grabbed lusts shoulders and pulled him closer

Fell: "watch where youre going buddy!"

Dance: " was a accident"

Lust was shaking and was crying a bit

Dance: "oh......did i hurt you bud?"

Lust shakes his head no but held up his hand. Then he put down his thumb then the rest of his fingers. He was signing for help.....

Dance knew it straight away. He held lusts hand and looked at fell

Dance: "may i dance with your lovely man?"

Fell: "yeah yeah....whatever." fell let go of lusts shoulders

Dance then led lust to the dance floor and danced with him....slowly disappearing into the crowd when dance stops dancing

Dance: "we can run now. Cmon."

Dance grabbed lusts wrists and ranout of the crowd to the exit door. Going out of it

Lust: "tha...thank you!" hugged dance and cried

Dance: "shhhhh....its fine....I'll take you to my place so he cant find you"

Dance then made a portal to his home, he then picked lust up and went through the portal with him, closing the portal behind him

Dance: "here we are..." placed lust down

Lust: "thank you....."

Dance: smiled "you can stay however long you wish.."

Lust hugged dance and smiled


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