7. well thats news

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[ time skip because I'm bored]
Tommy was trying to defend himself while Phil was telling him not to lie like that, sneeg and Charlie were talking at the water tank, and Niki watched them have a conversation about cereal

Charile 🫠 pov

" Yes, and for some reason, it gets soggy, and I don't know why!"

"Hmmmmm, maybe if there was no milk?"

"You're a genius sneeg, then it's dry, and I can eat it!!!"

"Ok...hmmmmm, maybe you were my friend and not tommy,"

Charile gave him a * :D * look on his face


"What's that?"

"It's for like when you're really happy!!!"


they both look at one another and did


they both screamed at the top of their lungs

"What was that!"

Phil yelled, sneeg, and Charlie just quietly laughed

"I think I know who did it,"

Ranboo pointed at them

"Uh, me and Charile have been framed..yep! It was ranboo. "

"I would try to squeeze you, but it's too bad your venom will likely kill me,"

"I have venom?.....that's news!"


Sorry I haven't updated. I'm just lazy yep that's, it lazy

"woops, I'm sorry, sneeg!"Where stories live. Discover now