The mystery within ~ Louis Tomlinson fanfiction

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It's my first day back at school after the summer holidays. I looked at my new timetable for the day: English, music, science, maths and drama. I realized that at the bottom of my timetable it says i have got a new teacher for drama. I was really gutted because I loved my old drama teacher and she made it one of my favorite lessons. I spent the most of my day daydreaming through lessons and wondering what happened to my drama teacher. I was sat with some friends just finishing my lunch when the bell rung for my next class. me and my best friend walked to drama class. I was stood outside the door with my best friend, all I could hear was people talking about our old teacher and wondering who we will have instead. suddenly the door to the classroom opens, "hi i'm Mr Tomlinson, i will be your new teacher". everyone stopped talking and turned to face him, he looked young but had stubble on his face. "he is attractive!" "i know" my best friend said. "what?" i asked, "he is attractive" she replied. "i said that out loud?" "yes". great i hope he didn't hear me say that, i thought to myself. everyone started walking in the class, the teacher stood in front of the door holding it open as we walked through. i walked past trying not to make awkward eye contact i kept looking at the floor as i walked through the door. As i walked past him i couldn't help but notice how good he smelt. i walked in the class and sat at the back in the corner next to my best friend. Once everyone was sat down Mr Tomlinson introduced himself properly and took the register. He stood at the front of the class wearing a blue shirt, a tie and some tight black trousers which showed of his nicely toned ml bum perfectly.

"stop drooling bella!" my best friend whispered. "huh, what, im not! shut up!" i replied. before i knew it the bell had rung and it was the end of the class. everyone packed up their things and started walking out of the class. as we were sat right in the back corner we were always the last out of the class. "bella, isnt it?" a high pitched yet raspy voice asked. I stopped walking "" i stuttered."dont forget about that home work, if you need any help im here if you need me" he said. "oh okay, thankyou" i said as i started walking again. I turned to say bye but he wasnt stood there any longer, so i carried on walking. but as soon as i turned around i stepped right into him. the atmosphere grew awkward as he didnt move and neither did i. i was stood just inches away from him, "im louis, nice to meet you" he held out his hand wanting me to shake it. so i did, his hands were soft and his touch was gentle but he wouldn't let go. "nice to meet you too" i said. As i looked up. i saw his bright blue eyes, his rosy pink lips and his well defined jaw line just above my head. he finally let go of my hand and took a step back."well i should be going" i said as i tried to walk past him, "whats the rush?" he said as he took another step back stopping me from getting to the door. "uh..well i have to..err" i tried to think of an excuse to get out of this awkward situation but i couldn't think straight whilst looking into his blue eyes. "i have to go and feed my fish" i burst out. Louis stood and chuckled at me, "for a drama student your not very good at lying are you", "well if i had a better teacher" "I've only taught you for one lesson you cant blame it on me" he said. "do you want to go for some coffee?" he asked. "yeah sure, but if my fish dies i'm blaming it on you"

we were walking through the corridor, by now there was no one here except maybe a few cleaners. The silence was awkward as we walked through the main reception and out into the cold. we walked for about 5 minutes until we got to the coffee shop, none of us really talked much on the way but once we were in the coffe shop we had a few conversations. " so how old are you?" i asked. "im 21" he said. The silence was once again awkward so i started asking random questions, "what made you to decide to be a drama teacher", "i have always loved drama so i now i am teaching it, but my dream is to be a famous singer" he replied. "then why arent you a music teacher?" i asked, "well you cant get famous from being a teacher".

*next morning*

I was walking to school with my best friend, " so what did Mr tomlinson say to you yesterday after class?" she asked. "he just said if i needed any help with the home work i can go see him" i replied. "well he must be a slow talker because i waited outside for ages and you didnt come out" "fine! he asked me if i wanted to go get coffee, and we did. but you cant tell anyone!" "i wont! i promise". i knew she would keep her promise, we have been best friends since we were little and i know i can tell her everything! our first class today was drama, i hope louis doesnt make this awkward. We walked in and sat in our seats at the back of the class. He didnt say anything to me the whole lesson, until the end. just like the day before he tried to stop me as i was last walking out. "hey bella" he called, "what louis? im busy i have a lesson to go to" i carried on walking but before i got to the door he was stood infront of me and had shut the door."do you want to go out again later?" he asked, "louis dont you think this is slightly weird, i mean we are like 5 years apart and you are my teacher. now i have to go to my next lesson!" i tried to barge past him and open the door but he wouldnt move, "age is just a number and it doesnt matter that im your teacher nothing will happen during school" " but people will find out, or people will see us outside of school" i raised my arm up to open the door handle, "your not going anywhere" he said as he grabbed my arm. He took a step towards me, but with every step i moved back. until i hit the wall, i could no longer move back, louis closed the gap between us. his tall figure towering over mine making me feel lost. i looked up and he was already staring at me. his face lowered near mine as he leant in for a kiss, "LOUIS! i met you yesterday, you are my teacher, this is wrong!" i shouted as i pushed him away. i walked out the door and to my next lesson, wondering of i should of kissed him or not.


thankyou for reading!!!

hope you like it! sorry its short, will make the next part longer, i promise!!

share, promote, like, fan whatever you do, and look out for the next part :D

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