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Spoiler ig? It's basically gonna be Raph's 'possesion' all over again, sorry. 🐢 Tw: Violence, slight cursing

"Please Raph!" Mikey cried out, begging his brother to let him go out. "Mikey, after everything with the Krang, it's the safest idea to not let anyone go out on their own." "Awe c'mon! Let's see what Leo thinks then, he's the leader after all!" Mikey and Raph walked over to the red eared slider sitting on a beanbag reading a comic. "Hm?" "Leo, talk some sense into Mikey! He wants to go out alone." "That's because I'm just going to visit Todd and then head over to Draxum's! You know, see how they are after the whole Krang invasion." "Well.. Mikey has a good point, but Raph's right. Actually, how about this, someone comes with Mikey to Todd's and then we let him go off on his own from there. Mikey, you have to have your cell phone on at. All. Times. Got it?" "Yes!" "What? But Leo, what if he gets hurt?!" "You wanna go with him?" Raph let out a sigh, heading out of the lair with Mikey following him.

The two were on their way through the woods enjoying the scenery. "So, Mikey. Why do you wanna check on Todd?" "Because he's my friend, duh!" "Yeah, but I mean, you guys barely know each other." "That's what you think, Raph! You see, Todd and I are close friends now. We've gone through some adventures together!" Mikey said, swing his nun chucks in circles. "Oh really? Like what?" "That's a story for another time big brother." "I'm sure it is. Is there something you don't want to tell me?" Mikey began whistling as he tried to avoid the question. Mikey didn't want to keep it a secret from Raph it was just.. his older brother tended to be over protective. "That's not it, it's just that we're here! Anyways, bye Raph!" Mikey said running off towards the puppy playground. Mikey could hear Raph let out a loud sigh before heading back to the sewers.

Mikey knocked on Todd's door before being greeted by a smiling face. "Oh, hey Michelangelo!" "Hey, Todd! Just wanted to check in on how you are doing after the whole Krang invasion." "Well, the puppies and I were pretty spooked but we're all right!" "That's good to hear." "Say, do you want some lemonade?" "Of course!" Mikey headed inside, petting puppies that gathered around him. Moments later, Todd handed him a glass of ice cold lemonade. "Thanks!" Mikey chugged down almost the entire thing within seconds. "I'm glad you like it." "Well, I better go check on Draxum before I head back home. Bye, Todd!" "Bye, Michelangelo!" Todd waves as Mikey headed back to the city.

- Michelangelo POV -

I was running on rooftops, heading to Draxum's before I heard something behind me. "Who's there!" I flipped around, nunchucks in hand. I looked to see nothing there, just emptiness. "Huh.. weird.." I sped up on my way to Draxum's, becoming paranoid. I soon reached my destination, knocking on Draxum's door. "What?! Who is it?" Draxum hollered before swinging open the door. "Oh..! Michelangelo. What has brought you here?" "I just wanted to see how you were holding up after the whole Krang invasion." "Oh, that. Well I'm doing just fine. What about you? Can I have a look at your hands?" "Yeah you can, and I'm doing alright, thanks." "Here, come inside. Do your hands hurt at all?" "Kind of, only when I'm holding on really tight to something and things like that." I said, walking into the apartment as Draxum axamined my hands. "Well, the good news is that they should stop hurting in short time. Bad news, these scars will always remain and your hands will never completely stop shaking. That's all I can say at least." "O-oh.." "Say, want some brownies? I've been practicing." "Sure.."

I watched as Draxum cut a brownie and handed it to me. "Want some whip cream?" "Yeah, thanks." I took a bite, and to my surprise it tasted delicious. "Dang Draxum, your cooking skills are getting good!" I said, the feeling of relaxation rushing over me. I looked at my phone to see the time. "Oh shoot! It's late, sorry Draxum I gotta go." I said, stuffing the rest of the brownie into my mouth. "Alright, see ya later kid." I rushed out the door, running across rooftops. "Maybe I can take a shortcut home tonight." I said, as I ran across the bridge. The shortcut was through some warehouses and old buildings but it was a quick way home, even though it was dangerous. I continued to jump across cargo until I heard someone screaming for help inside one of the cargo bays. "Somebody! Anybody, help me please!" It sounded like a woman, possibly a girl. 'Maybe I should tell the others.. no, I'll be fine!' I rushed in through the open door, nunchucks swinging in my hands. "Hello?" I asked, the screaming coming from deeper in the building. "Mrs? Are you alright..?" I began walking deeper in until I felt something touch my ankle. I looked down to see a tentacle, it looked like... the Krang. 'But that's impossible! We defeated the Krang! R-right..?'

I thought to myself before being picked up and thrown into a wall. "Agh!" I grabbed my nunchucks only for realize they had been knocked out of my hand. "Shit!" I covered my mouth before I could speak anymore. I didn't like cussing, it made me sound like Leo and Raph when they used to fight. I was continuously thrown back and forth until I started to feel dizzy. "Crap" I said before tripping over my own feet, crashing into the ground. "Hehehe." The last thing I saw was the Krang sister towering over me with a smug grin on her face before I blacked out.

~ In the Turtle Lair ~

Raph was pacing around, checking his phone for any messages or calls. "Leo, I told you this was a bad idea. We never should have let Mikey go out on his own!" "Chill, Raph. He's probably just lost track of time and is at Draxum's." "You know what? I'm gonna go check." "Suit yourself, let me know when you guys are heading back." Raph was annoyed at how Leo didn't care at the moment on whether Mikey was lost or not. Whatever, the snapping turtle had other things on his mind, like finding his little brother. He headed across rooftops, heading over to Todd's place first just in case Mikey was still there.

He walked up to the puppy salvation and headed over to the Capybara's camper parked in the middle. He banged on the door, impatient to find the youngest turtle. "Who is it?" Todd asked, opening the door. "Oh! Hello Raphael!" "Hey Todd, uh, is Mikey here by any chance?" "No, he left a while ago. He said he was headed to Draxum's." "Thanks Buddy." Raph said before hurrying towards the city. 'He could be hurt, or.. No Raph! I'm sure he's just at Draxum's." Raph thought to himself. When he reached Draxum's he banged on the door, awaiting an answer. "Who is it now?" He could hear Draxum's annoyed voice from inside. The door soon opened and in the doorway stood the warrior alchemist. "Hello Raphael, what do you want?" "I'm just looking for Mikey, he wouldn't be here would he?" "Michelangelo isn't home already? He left about half an hour ago." Draxum said, a nervous look growing on his face.

- Raphael POV -

"Oh. He must have gotten home while I was out looking for him.. haha. Thanks Draxum, I'll get out of here now." I said, before running out of the building and onto the roof. I grabbed my phone and called Leo. "Leo! Cmon pick up!" "Hey, it's Leo, what's up?" "Leo, is Mikey back at the lair?" I said while running around rooftops. "No, is he not with you?" "No Leo! He's not! I told you letting him go out on his own was a bad idea!" "Ok, ok! Meet us back at the lair and we'll contact him alright?" "Ok, I'll be there soon, taking the short way." I hung up and began running towards a bunch of abandoned warehouses next to the river, heading home as fast as I could. On my way, I spotted something out of the corner of my eye. It looked like.. Mikey's nunchucks! I stopped in my tracks and hurried over to the item sitting on the ground.

To my horror I was right, there layer Mikey's nunchucks. I looked around the area where I saw them and noticed the place looks like a wreck. There were dents in some of the metal crates that looked like someone has been.. thrown into them. "Oh no.." I grabbed Mikey's nunchucks and began sprinting back to the lair. I dialed Leo's number, hearing him pick up moments later. "Raph! Have you found Mikey?" "No.. I think I found something even worse.." "Raph, what do you mean by that..?" "Leo, I'm on my way back I'll tell you once I get there." "A-alright big bro.." Leo hug up and I soon reached the sewers near the lair. I began walking towards the lair, fighting the urge to cry. "Mikey, please be okay little man.."

Word Count: 1565

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