fall in love alone 1.1.1

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Hoseok stared from afar, his friends laughing at how ridiculous he was. Ever since kindergarten, Jung has had multiple crushes, all ending in heartbreak. Still, Hoseok was a Hopeless Romantic; if you were his crush, you'd get flowers, teddy bears, chocolates, anything.

"She's perfect..." He sighed in admiration as he stared at Im Nayeon, a senior he had never spoken to before. She was new at the school, she got the attention of everyone close to her, including Hoseok, who had fallen in love for her the second he laid eyes on her

"Here we go again..." Jin joked as he closed his locker, making Jimin and Jungkook chuckle at the remark. "Have you ever even spoken to her? She could be a total dickhead as far as we know" He added while Hoseok ignored him

"Are you planning on sending her roses, loverboy? Propose to her maybe?" Jimin teased, making Hoseok turn around with an annoyed look in his face, he was used to his friends making fun of him, but he insisted in love making the world better

"You know, I was thinking about tulips for a changed" He half jokingly replied, Jimin rolled his eyes in response as they heard the bell ring. The 4 of them started walking to their classrooms together, even if they didn't share any classes that period.

"Well, do you plan on actually making a move? I know that girl, maybe if I help you out a bit..." Jungkook innocently requested, getting interrupted by Hoseok as soon as he started to offer help. He denied with his head, making noises that expressed disagreement. He was too proud to accept any help when it came to flirting, he believed he was top tier at it.

"Kookie I assure you she will eventually fall for me, and I do have a plan" He said as he waited for any of his friends to ask him about the plan so he could start rambling about it on and on. Of course he didn't get any response. He sighed and explained anyways "I thought of going anonymous, something unusual for me I know, but it's fun to try new things" And now he got his friends attention, looking at him with curiosity in their eyes "Letters! That way she'll get curious enough to go looking for me, and if it goes wrong, I can just say it wasn't me! Genius plan, I know"

His friends stared at each other before bursting to laughter, Hoseok's proud expression quickly turned to a tired disappointed look as his friends joked about his plans while laughing. They respectively walked to the classroom eventually, waving goodbye as they departed.

Hoseok sat down at the back of the classroom, it was weird for him to hide from the teachers as he was pretty social, having conversations with teachers getting them to be so distracted in their personal lives to actually give the class

"Good Morning class," The literature teacher spoke with a sleepy voice, the class wasn't interested in whatever he was going to talk about it as they were all hardly awake as usual "I see some of you guys already falling asleep. Christopher Bang, up." He ordered while pointing at the sleeping student, who woke up as he heard his name.

Suddenly, the door opened making a lound bang that echoed in the classroom making everyone turn around to see a short, pale brunette and sweaty boy, he seemed to be out of breath making apparent he had been running to get in time to class

"And who are you and why are you late?" The teacher asked with a disgusted and judging look as he examined him up and down, he seemed familiar but didn't quite recognize him fully.

"Yoongi, Min Yoongi" He said while breathing in and out quickly "I'm in your class since the year started, sir" He wiped the sweat of his face as he recovered his shaky breath. Yoongi wasn't a new kid, in fact, he has been in that school since kindergarten, but he didn't have many friends in the school and skipped class most of the times. He carefully closed the door behind him and sat down in the only desk available, next to a taller brunette boy who was judging his looks, a.k.a, Jung Hoseok

"First time I've ever seen you, and I wish I hadn't. Do you think it's appropriate to show up to the institution like this? It's disrespectful to my hard work, really" The teacher complained, making Yoongi roll his eyes as he placed his books and a single old pen in the desk

In the other hand, Hoseok caught himself daydreaming; The idea he had about Nayeon was bubbly, friendly and passionate. He had seen her in P.E before, she was athletic and competitive. He hadn't even heard her voice yet, and still he could imagine it. And then he remembered, The plan

He quickly took out a paper sheet and put in on the table, hiding it the best he could. He started writing, forcing the best handwriting he managed to get. Since it was anonymous, he felt free, to write his whole feelings and illusions with a blue pen.

"My dear, I am well aware we don't know each other very well, or at least, you don't know ME very well. But I assure you, love, I believe you are the one for me. I hope you feel the same and you come to me. I have fallen so deep for you it's hard to express it by just writting it, I'd love to meet you in the park after school.

- H ♡

He smiled at the sight of meeting up with the girl that same day, thinking of things to say or things to do. Next to him, a curious Yoongi spied the little letter, it was either that or listening to the teacher go on and on about Shakespeare. He read the love letter from the beginning to the end, cringing a bit for the poor girl who'd receive it. He laughed at the stupid smile on Hoseok's face, the stranger looked proud of that stupid note and that 5-year-old looking handwriting.

He jokingly pointed at a word in the paper, making the taller boy to snap out of his daydreaming session and pay. attention to the pale classmate. "That's not how you spell 'writing', if you payed attention to Literature..." Yoongi liked to play around, even if he didn't know him, he knew he wouldn't remember him in a week since he hardly shows up to school anyways.

"Why are you even spying?" Hoseok nervously asked while he hid the letter with his hands. Yoongi laughed as the boy started to correct the spelling of writing. "...Thanks" he thanked Yoongi with a poker face.

"My god dude, it's so corny" Yoongi continued laughing at the letter as Hoseok tried to ignore him "Maybe if you took out the nicknames you wouldn't completely scare her off" He advised the stranger by his side, who erased the nicknames as the other said. "That's a bit better, if I was her I'd reconsider not filling a restraining order" He joked as Hoseok looked at him clearly annoyed


The students quickly got up and left to go to the next period. Yoongi lazily hot up and left without bothering to say goodbye to Hoseok, who left the classroom decided to leave the letter in Nayeon's locker.

He walked to the locker he had last seen Nayeon in front of, everytime he looked at her she was laying against that one specific locker, so he guessed it belonged to her.

He left the letter carefully inside the locker, he managed to get the paper in through some gaps and holes in the locker. He sighed and left quickly as he heard steps approaching the locker, nor looking back and going straight to find his friends.

It was done

No way of turning back

Love Letters - SOPEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora