A talking frog once said...

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A talking frog once said "Come here dear child for there is unlimitless joys that await you". The frog rarely speaks but when they do it's when your in a dark place in life. The frog is as if it is a shining light in your twisted life. You hesitate. You don't listen to this strange frog. "Dear, do not fret for you can trust me." "Are you sure? I'm... scared." The frog casts a spell and shines a light onto your view. It's still blury in your seemingly dark life but you grasp it with all your might. Not wanting to let it go. "See? it's really not that bad." "Y-yeah..." "Let me guide you on a journey. There is more light shining down this rode. It is tough at first but i know you can do it."

The frog takes you down a path that is very different than what your used to. It's strange to you. As scared as you are, you take one step closer. The light is still far, blurry, and out of reach but it somehow seems more obtainable. The frog says encouraging words to you as you take one more step each time. After awhile, you start taking steps backwards. Going forwards seems scary. It's not what your used to. Why change everything you know for a supposed happiness. You thought to yourself. You spiral back into where you once were before and the frog is there with you yet again. Still by your side, it says "It's okay to take steps back for this is no ordinary journey. This journey has no set time or place as it is up to you to decide. I'm here for you along the way."

With the frogs encouraging words, you try your best to follow it with the spark of light it promises is ahead of you. One by one you go through the path. You face many hardships each with their own difficulties. You pass through a pit of spikes. You get punctured and get hurt but the frog tells you to keep going. The frog takes you over a mountain. It's steep and difficult to climb. The frog uses magic to teleport itself to the top but does not do the same for you. "It is not my journey, it is yours." The frog will send a ladder down and will assist you, but you must get to the top.

After a long climb you eventually made it to the top. Your covered in scrapes and bruises but you feel acomplished. Drenched in sweat, you look over to the frog and ask "Are we there yet?" The frog replies: "We are there when your ready to be there. It can be as long or as short as you want." Confused, you continue your journey but now it is downhill and the light appears much closer. You don't feel scared and you don't feel like taking any steps back. Trekking down the hill, it's slippery at times and you feel as though you may fall down and won't get back up but you now believe you can do it. The frog is of course yet again near you and is flying on a bird waiting ahead. It says to you "not much longer, you can do this." And with that, you look around and see a sled next to you. You decide to ride it down the hill. This made you go down the hill much faster and the light was much closer now than ever before.

Your now down the hill, and with a smile on your face, you look around and realize where you are. Your where you were before but now it's full of life and colors. It's no longer a dull lonely world, it's quite nice really. You thank the frog for everything it's done for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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