🌑ꇙ꒐꒒ꏂꋊ꓄ ꇙꏂꀘꋬ꒐🌑

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Silent SEKAI, a place for those whose happiness vanished with their years of living. A place for those whose sadness has taken over, to the point they feel nothing at all but their disgusting presence, as they put it.

This place isn't joyful and playful like Wonderland SEKAI but it isn't empty like Empty SEKAI. It can't even be compared to its emptiness. Afterall, Silent SEKAI doesn't have anything. It's just a black void, with no sound or constructions. Just pure darkness and a floor.

This SEKAI was created by people whose feelings are bound to disappear or have disappeared already. It was created by the happiest and smartest people in Kamiyama High School and Miyamasuzaka Girl's Academy.

It was formed by Tenma Tsukasa, Kamishiro Rui, Asahina Mafuyu and Otori Emu.

How is Emu in the Silent SEKAI? Isn't she one of the happiest people out there?

Not everyone is happy and usually they fake their so-called happiness.

Miku is nowhere to be seen here. The only Vocaloids present are VFlower and GUMI. None of the others dare to enter such a place.

Right now, Silent SEKAI has a temporary visitor. Everytime someone needs to let out their inner anger or bottled emotions, this is the best SEKAI to do so.

The visitor in question was Tsukasa himself. After a long day arguing with everyone, all he wanted to do was let his emotions out. You could call him a professional at bottling emotions.

He sat down on the cold floor as he looked deep in the void ahead of him. Looking at it made Tsukasa think about certain parts of his miserable life, some he even wanted to forget.

As looked deeper, he realized how much of a failure he was to humanity, how much no one seemed to care. Even if it made day or night, no one would care.

He eventually let his emotions out as a river of tears came right after.

Suddenly, the sound of someone entering the SEKAI could be heard in the distance. Tsukasa, however, didn't hear it.

Another temporary visitor had arrived. This time, it was Rui. The only person who seemed to care about Tsukasa and yet Tsukasa himself couldn't see it. He felt the need to show how much he cared about him but he couldn't put it into words or actions. He knew nothing.

The boy heard some sobs. He looked around the SEKAI in search for its origin and eventually found it. He walked closer to Tsukasa, trying make his presence known.

He hugged the blonde boy from behind to try and calm him down, which barely worked.

Tsukasa flinched to the touch. He wasn't expecting anyone to appear, especially Rui.


Tsukasa: What are you doing here...?

Rui: I could sense something was wrong so I came to check. I know how much you went and still go through so I want to help as much as I can so ,tell me, what happened?

Tsukasa: The usual. I got into a fight with Toya, Saki and my parents. I don't really want to talk about it much... Look, I'm fine now. You can stop worrying.

Rui: And why would I do such a thing? Tell me the motives to.

Tsukasa: Maybe because I am a disappointment. A failure.

Rui: You are not a failure, Tsukasa-kun. People just don't know what they say and do. You are a perfect human being, even if you can't see it yourself.

Tsukasa: And why would you say such nice things to me...?

Rui: Isn't it obvious now? I love you, Tsukasa. I love you more than anything in this unworthy and ungrateful world. I would love to stay by your side every time you feel happy, sad or confused. I want to be there for you, Kasa-kun.

Tsukasa: Rui... I... I love you too...


As soon as Tsukasa said those words, Rui's heart started beating 100 miles per hour. He wasn't expecting Tsukasa to love him back. Counting the amount of times he got rejected, it was no doubt this could be another one. As he puts it, he was ready used to such a phenomenon.

Now, they could both enjoy each other's company in the SEKAI, without a care in the world. Just them, the floor and the black void surrounding them.

🌑꓄ꁝꏂ ꏂꋊ꒯🌑

__ꋬ꒤꓄ꁝꄲꋪ ꋊꄲ꓄ꏂꇙ__

I need to stop relating to the things I write especially when they involve Tsukasa angst

The Silent SEKAI was an idea I had and talked with my bestie about it and, eventually, it created angst scenes like always

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