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Mike started to noticed how Ziggy and Will started spending more and more time together and when Will came over they were always in his room or watching a movie in the living room but they were all smilie and close, Mikes even walked in on them cuddling and when the party was over for sleepovers he always noticed that Will wasn't in the room with them and the only place he knew he was at was with Ziggy of course, Ziggy his brother he didn't even know existed,Ziggy the guy who randomly comes into his life just to steel Will away from him, Ziggy the boy that's depressed and doesn't talk to anyone unless it's Nancy or Will because he just brushed it off as them being brothers and this happens but truly they must love each other...right?

Will was going to leave after dinner at the wheelers "So Will how's things been at home?" Karen asked, she truly loved Will and she loved it even more when she was staying at the house spending time with her two sons "Oh things have actually been really good, Hopper is going to propose to my mom soon." Will said smiling "Oh my goodness really!?" Nancy and Karen said at the same time both excited "Yup! He's excited about it he says it'll probably happen in 2 more days." Will looked down at his food smiling " Wow so soon? Go Hopper I guess." Mike said making Will laugh, Mike doesn't really care for making people laugh but Will,Will was different because whenever he successfully made the somewhat shorter boy laugh it was like gold he cherished it every single little piece. Mike smiled brightly and blushed at his accomplishments of making Will laugh, Ziggy saw this and just stared Mike down from across the table.

After dinner was done Will was helping clean the dishes even though Karen and Ted told him it was fine but yet Will convinced them but Karen told him he has to wash them with her. The two were done washing the dishes and Ziggy whispered something in Wills ear making Will giggle before they both walked upstairs, Mike saw this and got a gut feeling he should see what's going on but before he could get up to leave Nancy grabbed his arm and told him to relax and watch a movie with her and so he did.

Soon Will left saying his goodbyes to everyone it was now 9:20 p.m. Ziggy was relaxing in his room thinking of the kiss he and Will shared before he left to go home until he heard a knock on his door "Come in." The door opened and it was Mike "What do you want?" Ziggy asked rolling his eyes "I want to know why you and Will are so close to each other now." Mike said closing the door behind him "What do you mean we've always been close." "no I mean like really close, your over here whispering to each other,laughing, giggling, your always taking him to your room,you even cuddle him!" Mike took a deep breath in and then out "W-Are you jealous or something?" Ziggy asked "What!no I just-I mean-I-I don't know maybe,yes I mean your taking my best friend away from me!" Mike was frustrated "What are you talking about no I'm not, Me and Will are just friends geez what is your problem!?" Ziggy shouted "My problem is You Ziggy Katz! I have a problem with you,your my problem, you just walked into my life and took away Will, your always spending time with him!" Ziggy rolled his eyes again "What did I do to make you hate me so much? Huh? From day one before I started talking to Will like that, you hated me I don't understand why!?" "That's not true I don't hate you!" Mike defended himself "Then what is it Micheal!?" "I just don't trust you!" "Why!?" "Because I don't want my best friend to be with some guy!" "Why you act like you own him or something!?" "No I don't!" "Yes you do! When we were little you would drag him away from me, and now you still do the same thing!" "Because I like Will okay!" Mike covered his mouth eyes wide "what..." Ziggy whispered surprised by this "I-No-No no no no no no no no no!" Mike turned around and opened the door then stopped when he saw Nancy in front of him 'she was listening the whole time' Mike wiped the tears from his eyes and ran past Nancy, both Nancy and Ziggy calling him to come back but Mike didn't care he just wanted to leave so he got on his bike and paddled as fast as he could.

Will was in the kitchen putting away food Joyce made and then stopped when he heard frantic knocks on the door, Will made sure to grab a knife just in case. He walked over to the door the knocks still knocking frantically, when he unlocked the door he saw Mike with tears falling down his face "Mike..." Will said in a confused and worried tone "I-" Will pulled Mike into a hug at first Mike was confused but then hugged back crying into his friends shoulder, he ended up staying the night at the Byers home.


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