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Mon's Pov

Can't believe she send me a "Sweet dream" message what's wrong with her? I thought Lady Boss would never be soft to anyone else.

To Lady Boss

*Send a sticker*

I keep thinking of her arghhh did she ate something sweet to make her softened?


From Unknown: Hi mon!

Huh? Who's this?

To Unknown: Who are you? How did you get my number?

From Unknown: it's me Krik i saw your files so i search for you number luckily you put them and then i saved it

*Unknown change his name to Krik*

To Krik: did you go home safely?

From Krik: Yes See yah tomorrow Goodnight!

To Krik: See you as well!

I just smiled he's kinda cute but lady boss is more cuter than him wait what?! Huhuhu im thinking about Khun Sam she just popped up in my head suddenly.

I might end up dreaming about her
I didn't know i fall asleep thinking of her

Khun Sam's Pov

I don't know what I'm feeling right now it's kinda weird i felt happy since when i woke up this morning it's kinda weird tho.

I grab my phone if mon sent me a message as if she will do that arghhh

I was fixing myself in front of my mirror when i realize something

"I can't believe i wear this kind of suit"(image Sam wearing a formal but she looks like hot on it)

"Talking to yourself is weird" someone's spoke at my back

"How long you been there?" Argh he's here again c'mon.

"Let's go to the company together " Krik.

"You might just ruin my beautiful day" i rolled my eyes on him.

"I won't promise" huh? Did i heard it right?

"Are you sick? Did you ate something last night and why are you like that now?"

"Arghhh i was trying to be nice we'll I can't with you" tsss

"What's your reason?"

"We talked last night"


"Mon" what?!

"How did you get her number?"

"I saw her files in your office last time duh" argh

"Did I give you permission to look at it?What did you two talked about?"

"I got curious since she's my type I will go ahead of you and wait for you outside your house" then he leaved.

I swear i might kill this guy so this is the reason why she didn't send me a message this morning because she stay up last night and talking to that man?

Explain everything to me Mon! I can't get over

Mon's Pov

Wah! I slept so much why i didn't hear my alarm clock I'm 15 minutes late c'mon

I think Lady Boss is already at the company huhu I'm dead really really dead

Like before i was exhausted all the way here

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