A Luna

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Vanitas stared from the other side of the cage, his yellow eyes glowing in the dark as always. Yet, there was something different about them tonight. Feral and unknown.

"Mmmm, guess I shouldn't have drank that..." Aqua mused as she lay on her back. She was burning up, her whole body buzzing in a way it never had before.

He approached her slowly, a curious look in his eyes as he sniffed around, following a scent—hers. His snout pressed against her sex, a gasp escaping her lips at the coldness of his nose. Aqua knew this was how animals gathered information about others. Specifically potential mates.

"Ever laid with a witch?" she asked, her voice sounding distant. "Well, here I am. I'm a fine specimen if I do say so."

Vanitas growled in a way that sounded like a chuckle as he continued to smell her. Was she emitting pheromones like an animal? She spread her legs, allowing him to inspect with ease. She was curious about what a simple sniff could tell. It probably went:

Aqua; female, young, healthy—in estrus.

She wasn't sure if it was the strange concoction she drank, but she swore his scent said:

Vanitas; male, ancient, ready to mate.

"I apologize for the smell. We don't exactly have a bath here, as you know."

He buried his face more against her, his cock visible between his hind legs as the sheath slid down. Apparently, she was enticing enough for him now.

"What? You're saying I don't?" She asked, looking down as if talking to a lover she was casually getting oral from. She licked her lips. "What do I smell like?"

After a few minutes of Vanitas salivating and rubbing his snout wildly between her legs, she realized the question was too open for him to answer.

"Do I smell like a bitch in heat?"

Vanitas dragged his tongue over her sex experimentally. It was new and bizarre, but the rough texture of it just added to the sensation. He did it again, and she moaned, closing her legs. It felt good. Vanitas pawed at her thigh impatiently.

"Easy," she whispered. "I'm too sensitive right now." Or was his tongue simply that good?

He whined and sat before her, staring and tail wagging fast. She laughed, and he barked as if to say; "Don't mock me."

"Don't give me that look. I'm not going to sleep." She patted her stomach lightly. "Come here."

Vanitas lowered his head, going between her legs again.

"No." She repeated her previous motion. "I said here."

She parted her legs. He obeyed this time, resting his head on her abdomen. She sighed at the warm fur against her body. Finally, a respite from the chill of their prison. She looked into his golden eyes. He could take what he wanted, tear her apart, yet here he was; a beast tamed, providing warmth and waiting on her. Aqua scratched him behind the ears. Vanitas licked his lips and panted.

"Good boy..." She closed her eyes for a moment, feeling his weight on her.

And right there, whatever she'd drank reached full effect. Her heart hammered against her chest as she caught a whiff of a distinctive smell. Wild. Musky. Oh, gods and goddesses of old. She was ready—achingly ready.

Vanitas shifted and stood, aware of her dilemma. His cock was on full display; florid and with a slightly flared tip. A bulge sat at its base, thicker than the rest of it. It was the very picture of urgent desire and lust. And she wanted...wanted to know what it felt like inside her. Wanted to be pinned down and bred, and—where did that thought come from?


He simply stared, wagging his tail. Obviously, he knew she'd been induced into heat, similar to what a female of his species went through. So what was he waiting for?

"I'm willing. Take me." She squirmed, the heat intensifying.

Vanitas lifted his head, nose pointing up. Smug bastard. She swore if he were human right now, he would wear that signature grin of his.

"Take me...please."

Deranged, depraved, insane; she would be called all that and worse if she mated with him. Right now, her fevered mind could care less. All she wanted was for the ache to subside. Please fuck me, please fuck me, please fuck me, please fuck me. How did animals deal with this torment? Having to breed when nature demanded it so.

She swallowed. "I can't get out of here until you either mate with me or kill me. I leave that up to you, but please make up your mind," she said as she closed her eyes. The heat was growing stronger with each passing minute.

He stood over her, forefeet close to her waist. There was quite a gap between their bodies, causing a chill to bite at her skin once more. His snout neared her ear, sniffing, licking like a human lover would in preparation. He nuzzled her neck, his cold nose tickling her skin and fueling her craving.

Aqua angled her hips, trying to give him easy access. Yet, Vanitas continued to smell and rub against her neck teasingly, lost in whatever pheromones she was emitting. His cock swelled more, and she felt it over her entrance. Hard and hot, and oh so desirable to her right now.

I'm your mate—your luna.

She bucked her hips in an attempt to feel more of him. The tip barely brushed her folds in a delicious tease. She whimpered, and Vanitas ignored her need. Instead, he backed up and dived between her legs, tongue immediately attacking her slit in an upward motion. Bottom to clit. Again. Bottom to clit. Again. Bottom to—she gasped, her hands grasping the fur close to his ears.

He'd slipped his tongue inside.

Vanitas rested his front paws on her hips, almost like he'd meant to grab her...

And then he did, lifted her hips roughly off the floor, snout as busy as before. Aqua didn't know he could use his paws like that, but given the muscles and their shape, it made sense. He repositioned his paws on her rear, squeezing it firmly. She moaned and squirmed in his grasp as he teased her swollen clit.

Yes, yes, yes...

She was gone—lost and chasing after pleasure and relief. Vanitas sensed her despair and the closeness of her release. He stopped, bringing her down from her high altogether.


She looked down. "Why did you? Just why? Fuck! You're supposed to breed me, you mindless beast!" She whined.

Vanitas huffed in a way that sounded like a chuckle. If it wasn't because he could literally tear her apart, she would kick him right now.

His golden eyes met hers, full of mischief, disarming, and dangerous. He was trying to put her in her place according to the hierarchy of his species. I'm the alpha. I'm in control. If he could talk right now, he would say something along those lines.

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