🥀💘💝💜 What can I do?

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This request was made by Catniphiggins72

Thank you for your submission! I love this so much and I hope I can do it Justice but I doubt it with my amateurish writing

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Thank you for your submission! I love this so much and I hope I can do it Justice but I doubt it with my amateurish writing. I'll try my best, and more is on the way! I went for something quicker to get out so you all aren't too starved since I'm still working out the kinks of the next one.


You were walking through the Hogwarts halls, on your way to hogsmeade after a long day of flight training, and the rather eventful defense against the dark arts class. Walking down the corridors and intricate hallways, the smell of old books and the seaside felt so familiar to you now, it was sweet and comforting the way the school was, you felt like you were at home here. This fit you, this was you, and all of your friends went here too, no doubt about it, it was a wonderful day in the castle. But that's when the letter came, one that worried you to no end.

The owl dropped it off quickly, it was from Sebastian, you could tell by the way it was sealed just crooked enough that it would make you upset, when you had told him about it he just kept on. But this wasn't intentional like the other few, this looked rushed, urgent, you needed to reply asap. You ripped it open, reading the contents with haste, "Dear Y/n, if you couldn't tell already, this is a pressing matter I am writing to you about today. Ominis has been avoiding me as of late, I worry for him truly, his hair has been a mess and I know he can't just use a mirror, however he Is very precise with it nonetheless. The bags under his eyes worry me, please talk to him, he listens to you, and this has been sitting in the back of my mind for days on end. Just speak to him? I don't care how or where or by what means, please try. -S.S" of course, it's about Ominis! No wonder the letter had looked as quickly put together as I did, those two were basically brothers.

But where could he be? The undercroft? His room? Slytherin common room? You couldn't access many of the areas be would most typically hang out in. But you could check the undercroft. And that's exactly where you headed.

You sped down the hallways making your way to its inconspicuous entrance. Using your wand you allowed yourself inside, as you stepped down the stairs, you heard incoherent mumbling, that of which allowed you to realize who it was. "Ominis?" You called out, as the mumbling halted. All you could hear now was the shuffling of feet and cracking of the fires that had been lit. "Ominis I know it's you down there, can we talk?" You called down as you reached the final steps, gate in front of you opening. You could see him, exactly as Sebastian had described him, he looked a mess. He was sat against one of the pillars facing away from you, though that part made sense.

You plopped yourself right next to him, taking his hand in yours as you usually did, "You alright?" You asked, looking at him intensely studying his face, searching for any glimpse of an answer you could find. "No, to be completely honest with you, I'm not." He rested his arm on his propped up leg, leaning forward to rest on it. I'm response to this you scooted a bit closer, until there wasn't any room between you two, "Care to tell me about it? If not I can just sit here, or I can leave if you need the space." You offered, interlocking your fingers with his, "I would like to talk about it, I haven't been able to fully formulate my feelings, but since it's you I'm not too worried about wording. You have a knack for solving my riddle-like explanations." He mindlessly rubbed the back of your hand, you held it a little tighter as he took a deep breath, sitting up, back up against the pillar again.

"I've been worried, stressed one might say, in regards to whatever Sebastian and you have been up to, after the scriptorium and him immediately willing to lie to me about that relic. Its hard to put into words but I'm conflicted, I understand his want to help his sister, I want to help Anne too but he's taking things too far." You could see the anguish in his milky eyes, they were sad and angry, sympathy and anguish, sustain and tenderness. You could tell how complicated this was for him. "It feels as if I'm being pulled by ropes, all in different directions. Its exhausting, I keep telling him over and over but it's like talking to a wall. A living, breathing, stubborn wall. I'm still bothered by what happened with you when you were hit with that curse, he meant to harm you, he may have apologized but you can't just go back from that. There's more, a lot more, but I would rather just sit here with you then keep going on like this.". You leaned on his shoulder, hugging yourself to him, "I'm here when you need me, or if you need to speak about it again. I won't press for information, today." This remark gained a chuckle from the currently disheveled boy next to you.

"Y/n?" You looked over at him, "hmm?" You were unsure of what he was going to ask, but he did something a bit unexpected, "Tell me if this causes you any discomfort." Gently and quickly you felt him shift from your side down to your lap, he laid there content by the looks of it. "Is that all?" You giggled, amused due to the shear adorable action he took. "And this," he reached out for your arm, landing somewhere near your wrist as he slid it to your hand, interlocking fingers once again. "Now that's all." He smiled, nestling into your thighs he made small circles on your hand with his thumb, you couldn't help but lean over and kiss his forehead, causing his eyes to widen as he covered his face with his other hand, something he did to attempt, and fail, to hide his embarrassment.

"You're adorable," you laughed, as he became more embarrassed, "You find this funny?" He questioned sitting up. You nodded, then realized he wouldn't be able to see it, and quickly gave him an answer, "Yes, indeed I find it to be the finest entertainment at Hogwarts." He raised his hand to your face before landing a quick and slightly awkward kiss on your cheekbone, "Now we are considered even, we speak not a word about this." You covered your mouth to stifle laughter, "I promise.".

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