Chapter 67

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Chapter 67 Quitting Smoking We all want to live a long life.

    After growing up, Peng Lang always had an idea inadvertently: his parents would die, his spouse would grow old, and his parents would give birth to a child. The child was alive and kicking one day, but it turned out that it would disappear the next day.

    After Peng Yu's death, the Peng family fell apart. Peng Lang often can't tell if he misses Peng Yu because he misses himself, or because he hopes that once he comes back, their family will be reunited. Maybe the two are split 50-50, maybe the latter accounts for more, but no matter what, Peng Yu will never come back.

    Once Peng Lang was bitten by a snake, he was afraid of well ropes for ten years. His father was also like this.

    After losing Peng Yu, Peng Furen poured all his heart and soul into Peng Lang. Originally, Peng Lang was supposed to study abroad after graduating from elementary school, but after thinking about it, Peng Juren was still afraid that his only child would be too young and prone to accidents abroad, so he postponed Peng Lang's study abroad plan indefinitely.

    Peng Lang knew that his father cherished him, and if he had a child, he would probably treat him like Peng Suren, paying attention to everything, for fear that the world would be impermanent.

    This kind of concern is extremely long-lasting, from the discovery of the little life to Peng Lang's burial in the soil, it may haunt him endlessly. Loving one Ji Changshan is enough for Peng Lang to tremble with fear, and another small one, I am afraid that just looking at Ji Changshan's growing belly, Peng Lang will involuntarily be afraid of killing two dead.

    Fertility is not like love, it is not an out-of-control event. If a person does not want to have children, he can avoid it in countless ways, even if he has a sterilization. Peng Lang is unwilling to bear the unnecessary panic, especially when a woman gives birth to a ghost, Peng Lang doesn't want Ji Changshan to suffer, and he doesn't want her to put herself in danger.

    Peng Lang couldn't accept the slightest mistake of Ji Changshan, otherwise the fate would be cruel.

    He hugged Ji Changshan, remained silent for a long time, and finally explained his fear without saying a word. The more he said, the tighter his arms were drawn, Ji Changshan sat sideways on Peng Lang's lap, his chest was tightly attached to him. She listened to Peng Lang's confession word by word, word by word, Ji Changshan thought that this man really loved her.

    But one day she will die too, what should he do if she goes first?

    Ji Changshan couldn't think deeply about this question, he just put his arms around Peng Lang, rubbed his hands on the back of his neck, and comforted him: "I'm not that fragile, don't be afraid." "What is fixed?" "You can't hope that I will


    better "

    Peng Lang combed the long hair on Ji Changshan's back with his fingers, and said slowly, "I look forward to your well-being every day, so I don't want you to suffer." "

    But I want to have a child."

    Ji Changshan used to only want a child of his own. As for her own child, she doesn't care who she will have with or what the child looks like; now she wants to have a child with Peng Lang, preferably a girl. Girls are generally like their fathers. If a villain can be recreated according to Peng Lang, Ji Changshan will be filled with joy just by looking at her.

    Ji Changshan withdrew from Peng Lang's arms, stroking his heart with his right hand. She described in detail what kind of child they would have, and said a lot, such as the eyes, nose and mouth can be like him, but the earlobes should be like hers, because her earlobes are thicker, and the child will be more blessed.

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