Chapter 1

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"Why didn't you tell me?" Was the first question I was asked as I entered the school grounds. I looked up meet my bestfriend, Aparajitha's gaze. She looked as though she had been crying for a while. The expression on my face changed. What did she mean?

"Oh please don't act as though you have no clue as to what I am referring to! You know exactly what I mean! How can you not tell me that you were shifting abroad?" She sobbed. I was shocked. I was not going anywhere. At least I don't think I was. My parents didn't tell me anything.

"Abroad? What do you mean? I am so confused! I am not going anywhere without you!" I defended.

"Oh, but you are. Your dad got a promotion and I overheard your dad telling my dad that you guys are shifting to Dallas! You always wanted to study abroad huh? Now you get to. Happy?" She gave my phoney smile before turning and leaving me alone. I was dumbstruck. It felt as though everything was crumbling down in front of my very eyes. I didn't like the feeling. It was a sickening feeling in my stomach. A lump formed in my throat as a tear escaped my eye.

"Well, someone is not happy to start this day!" A voice startled me from behind making me jump. I turned around and came face-to-face with Ayushman, my crush who by the way, is also my bestfriend. He had a small smile playing on his mouth. I saw a spark of worry in his deep, brown eyes.

"Yeah, m-my dad-he got a pr-promotion a-and we are shif-shifting to Dallas. I-I don't know when. And, I do-don't want to." I stuttered. As his strong arms embraced me in a tight bear hug, I sighed and sobbed in his shirt. I felt him kiss my hair.

"Hey, it's okay. You'll be fine. We all will be. I know it's hard but, none of can do anything now, can we? We'll always be bestfriends no matter what, okay? We'll not let distance destroy our friendship." He caressed my back. I was still crying into his shirt. The fact that he still considered me as a friend was disheartening but, I didn't want to think about it. Instead, I thought about Aparajitha.

"Appu di-din't ta-take it well. She ha-hates me now!" I cried.

"No, she doesn't! It's just you both have been friends since kindergarten! Obviously, she lost her senses and thought you abandoned her. She'll be fine, I promise." He said softly.

"Promise me, you'll take care of her when I leave?" I told him.

"If you promise to take care of yourself." He said. A smile formed on my face. "I promise."

"Then, I promise to take care of Appu!" He chuckled.


It wasn't a great day at school either. I spent the entire day avoiding Appu and hanging out with Ayushman. I tried to take my mind out of the sudden outburst I had with Appu that morning but, I failed miserably. Every small detail reminded me of her. It was basically silent torture. The fact that she acted as though she didn't know me was like stab in the heart. The whole day, I excused myself to the bathrooms and cried till the cleaning lady would kick me out. Yes in our school, the cleaners could do that. I don't know why, but they did.

On reaching home, I slammed the door and dropped my bag on the floor. Entering the livingroom, I saw a group workers packing antiques into the trunks (large wooden boxes used when one is shifting from place to place). They all looked at me surprise. I didn't care. I saw my mother rush from the kitchen with a steel glass wrapped in bubble-wrap. "Shr-" She tried to say. I cut he off, "Just don't." I cried as I ran into my room, slamming the door.

"Get to work!" I heard my mother yell at the workers.

The rest of the day, I didn't do anything expect sit on the floor, leaning against the wall and crying. I was in no mood of doing anything productive. All I did was to curse my parents for not telling me, hating myself for making Appu distant and replaying my conversation with Ayushman...

We'll not let distance destroy our friendship...

At exactly 2100hrs, I heard my dad enter the house. How do I know? Because, my three-year-old brother loves to squeal when he sees my dad. I tighten my fist and burst out of my room.

"When we were you planning to tell me all this?" I asked. my dad.

"Oh hello there!" He smiled but, his smile turned upside down in an instant. "Honey listen to me, I got a very good promotion and didn't wanted to deny the offer. So, both your mom and I decided that it would be a great opportunity for your brother, sister and you."


"We didn't tell you earlier cuz, we knew how'd you react." My mother added.

"Oh really? And I had to find out through Appu! Thanks to you guys, my friendship with her is destroyed." I huffed. My parents' heads hung low. I sighed, "Anyway, let's forget about it. I am hungry." I did my best to smile. My sister who was standing next to chirped, "Yes! Let's go have Pizza Hut tonight." A smile cracked on my dad's face as he asked to get ready.

It's gonna be a long, lonely night...


Hi there! If you liked the concept, then don't hesitate to vote and leave a comment or two! I am looking forward to write this story!

Loads of love x

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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