Chapter 2: The (partial) truth

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Author's Note


Azurlane base: Commander's office.

Commander POV:

Commander: When will Javelin and Laffey return? It's been hours already. 

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

Commander: Come in!

Javelin and Laffey enter with a man he has never seen before. 

???: Hello there...

Laffey: .....sleepy...zzz

Laffey collapses on the couch.

Javelin: Hello Commander! I want you to meet a new friend I made!

???: Hello, I'm Hawaii.

Commander: Oh hello uh Hawaii. What are you?

Hawaii: I'm just a ship passing by but I need to know about the current situation.

Commander: Uh....

Javelin: It's okay Commander, you can trust him. He saved me and Laffey from a Siren earlier.

Commander thoughts: I'm so confused as to who this Hawaii is and I have never heard of him either. He seems like he is eagle union or maybe royal navy on his colors so I should probably ask Enterprise or Hood on him or something.

Commander: Ok, if you insist Javelin...

The Commander reluctantly holds out his hand to which Hawaii shakes.

Hawaii: Do you have any sort of breakfast cause I haven't eaten anything but seawater for the past I don't know how many years.

Commander: Yeah, theres some bread over there and you can toast it using the toaster.

Hawaii:..... its better than nothing I suppose.

Hawaii walks over to the toaster extremely cautiously.

Commander's thoughts: what a weird guy.

Javelin begins to talk about who Hawaii is to the Commander while Hawaii is making himself toast.

Javelin: So Commander, Hawaii's full name is the UHS Hawaii and is a ship that was made by the-

Hawaii: F-ck!

Javelin and the Commander turn to see Hawaii attempting to get the toaster to work, resulting in an explosion.

Hawaii: Ohio! Why do u curse me so!

Commander: why my toaster, that was really expensive.

Hawaii: well that sucks.

Hawaii picks up some burnt bread that (somehow) survived the explosion and ate it.

Hawaii: It's better than nothing!

Hawaii: hmm.... it has that faint taste of charcoal an-

Hawaii collapses to the ground, blacking out from the bread.

Javelin and Commander:.....

Hawaii leaps back onto his feet.


Hawaii passes out again.

Javelin and Commander thoughts: what the hell.

Timeskip brought to you by a triumphant Hawaii, laughing while sitting on a platform carried by big burly men in his dream after eating the charcoal.

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