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THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END IS NEVER THE END - Stanley woke up in his office, slumped back in his chair completely exhausted from the last run.

"This is the story of a man named Stanley." A British voice piped in.

'The Narrator was ready to start once again' Stanley said to himself, after God knows how long Stanley and whoever this Narrator person was, this man or some form of being, was not bored of the many runs that have passed over time now.

Stanley was tired. The last run wasn't a very good one. Stanley had went the route to the 'Confusion ending' though it was fun to hang around with the amazing wacky adventure line™, and the amazing music, it was how the ending ended that caught him off guard.

The narrator, having founded out about everything, is determined. It made Stanley think. Especially cause of the forced reset that randomly happened. Now, only Stanley remembered about it and had to have it buried in his brain for who knows how long until it fades.

Stanley's body ached from running around aimlessly for endings, some that he's seen and others he hadn't. His spine felt like it was about to snap. His head felt heavy, and his eyes dared to block his vision. 'This is strange..' Stanley then thought to himself.

This is the first ever time Stanley has felt this felt human even, like he wasn't just a character that was coded into a never-ending game. Even though what he was feeling hurt, it made him feel at peace to have something that at least resembled a human being nature.

Stanley's thoughts were interrupted by a loud yell. "STANLEY!!" The narrator roared, the sound booming out the walls, coming from everywhere yet nowhere at the same time. Stanley had fallen out of his chair, having left forward and straight into his desk, grabbing onto it as his legs gave out and fell to his knees.

"Oh good, you're awake. I thought I lost you there for a moment, Stanley, you weren't responding." Stanley looked up at the ceiling, which is where he thought this so called Narrator, giving him a face. This action got a response from the being, "Oh, come on Stanley, what was I supposed to do? I tried calling for you! I moved and knocked every little object I'm your office- heck! I even threw that mug off your desk!" He explained to Stanley.

Stanley looked over and saw the now broken mug on the floor. He was a bit upset about it cause it was his favourite mug. "I truly apologise by breaking it, but I couldn't do anything to get you to wake up. Trust me, though, the next reset is fixed." Narrator said.

Stanley nodded and tried getting up to his feet, only for him to fall back down. His spine refused to stand straight (I mean, who does? Imagine standing straight), his feet and legs no longer able to hold his body up. His head reeled, feeling as if it'll crash to the floor. It didn't take long for the narrator to notice something was wrong with his protagonist.

"Stanley? Are uhm, are you alright?" Stanley signed with one hand [I'm okay!] while his other hand stayed gripped onto the desk. Finally, after many attempts, he got up, his vision going static and feeling light-headed. "Hmm.." Narrator hummed before the sound of tapping on a keyboard followed after him.

Before Stanley knew it, he was in the employee lounge, sitting on one of the couches. Stanley looked up at the ceiling, confused. He signed with both hands [what's this for? What's going on?] "Well Stanley, you aren't quite yourself at the moment. Just ten seconds ago, you couldn't get up. So I'm giving you a five minute break from the story to get rest." [FIVE MINUTES?? That's not even long enough to drift off to sleep!] Stanley signed up to the ceiling.

"Well, how long do you want to sleep for, Stanley?! Most certainly, it won't be forever!" Narrator chuckled to himself. Stanley thought to himself, 'it'd be nice to sleep for a few hours.' Narrator responded from the thought Stanley had, 'Well, how about I give you ten hours of rest, and two more hours for you to relax when you wake up. Sound fair enough?" Stanley smiled heartedly at that and nodded. Even though Stanley couldn't see it, the narrator was smiling right back at him.

Damn 757 words - DAYUM

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