they had ditched her. no matter how she looked at it, they had left her. it was stupid, she decided, that she was angry over this, it was a carnival, they were bound to find someone they liked better, something better to do. but she had been in pain. now it sounded stupid, but her period cramps were the worst they had ever been, at a point to where she sat down on the grass, and let them watch the parade a few metres away. there had originally been eight of them, but she had been ditched. after the parade finished, they ran across the road to the main part of the fair to do god knows what, leaving her sitting on the grass, lonely and vulnerable, on her own. now, on any other day, this wouldnt have been a problem, but when the streets were crowded and many of the crowd were shouting, it was not an easy task to find a group of teenagers in neutral-coloured clothing. as she stood up and navigated herself through the crowd, she searched for the fair hair of her friend, the pale beige shirt of another, the badly-painted jeans of a third. but they were gone. they had escaped over to the costume-clad man with the promise of pictures and views on snapchat stories. although she was unaware of where the group was, she knew they were enjoying themselves, as they always managed to, even without the presence of the cardigan clad girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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