An unexpected tumble!

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Yawning and stretching, Tsukasa woke up, ready for the day. Although unusually, he felt a little hazy. Brushing the feeling off, he hopped out of bed and walked downstairs. It was the weekend after all, and he needed to make some breakfast for Saki. He grabbed an egg and started up the stove. Humming 'Glory Steady Go!' to himself, he finishes the egg, and calls Saki downstairs. "Saki! I made you breakfast, come downstairs," 

Saki excitedly runs down the stairs. She loves it when her brother makes food for her. It makes her feel special. A giant smile can be seen on her face as she sees the breakfast made for her. "Thank you Tsukasa!" "Hahahaha! Its no problem Saki, as your big brother its my job to make sure you eat healthy after all" He presents his usual loud self. But the hazy feeling from earlier worsens, and he feels a headache start.

Saki notices a bitter facial expression make its way onto Tsukasa's face. "Tsukasa are you alright?" For a brief moment, Tsukasa's eyes widened in shock, but it was  quickly wiped away with his usual large smile. "Of course Im alright! After all a star such as myself dosent get hurt by such small things" He silently sighs and Saki finishes her breakfast. "Well Im gonna wash this dish then head back to my room to practice for my bands next song" She explains as she stands up with the empty plate in her hand. 

"Then Ill be heading to my room to get ready for today, I have practice at Phoenix Wonderland" Tsukasa says. But as he stands up from his seat his legs start to shake, and weakness takes over his body. A quiet, but still noticeable grunt can be heard from Tsukasa, grabbing Saki's attention. "Are you sure youre alright?" Saki says, the worry in her voice quite noticeable. "Y-Yes yes, Im fine, haha!" Tsukasa laughs weakly. He now has a stomachache, a headache, and terrible weakness. "Well, Im off to get ready," He starts, before making his way up the stairs. But before he reaches his room, a loud thud  can be heard.

"Tsukasa!?" Saki yells, she's extremely worried, especially after Tsukasa's suspicious actions at the dining table. She stops the water from the sink, since she was washing her dish, and runs to the stairs. Only to see a sight she never thought she would see....

Her brother had passed out at the top of the stairs!

She gasped lightly, and dashed up the stairs to check on her poor brother. She got close, and leaned down to see a not-so pleasant sight. Her brother was burning up, and was breathing heavily. 'Oh gosh! What do I do..' she trails off into thought. 'Our mom is at work, and our dad is away on a business trip' Many thoughts filled her brain, but one thing came to mind

'I have to take care of him'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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