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Anguish. That was what I felt the whole day when I found out my own mother was going to teach everyone at Hogwarts for a while.

After the merlin-knows-how-many meltdowns I had yesterday, I've decided to do my best to prove her nasty side wrong. I have to prove to her that I can be much more better than her; which means I have to fly a broom for real now.

I had the same flying class with the Slytherins this morning, and boy did they pretend to act nice towards me now. Some were genuine and some were sarcasm. It's not surprising but, still, I was not too fond of the change.

"All right, children, let's see how you've all progressed!" My mother clapped her hands and everyone started to show her their flying skills one by one, from the best to decent and lastly, to awfulness. I was the only one who was in the awful last place.

Everyone whispers possible gossip topics about 'I bet professor Elspeth is going to compliment her since she's her daughter' and other shenanigans things. It ticked me off, leading to a bad start with my broomstick. I wiggle my way floating above slowly, making startled noises and earning small laughs from the Slytherins and some from my own house. The Witch hadn't made her comment yet but as soon as I try to control the broom to move, it turned its own bloody back on me, and everyone gasped at how it ended.

I fell off and hit my back on the ground hard. I probably have a concussion by now.

I groan at the pain and tried to sit up in hopes of making things less embarrassing. "What a shame," my mother spoke and I can imagine that disgusted face of hers. "Go to the hospital wing."

After she said that, they just continued the lesson. I just sat there shamefully, not because my classmates or anyone helped me, but because they know how bad my relationship with my mother is now. I stand up like the bigger girl I am without saying a word and just walk off. I didn't turn my back but god my head was aching as I proceeded.

I walked through the halls full of lower and upper years watching me in confusion. I gave them all a nasty glare but I couldn't keep up with that as of now. Luckily, there weren't any familiar faces. If the golden trio or even Cedric's group saw my state, they'd shoot a thousand questions at me.

It took a few turns to get to the Hospital Wing, but as I arrived at the entrance, I saw August chatting with Madam Pomfrey. It seemed like August was still recovering from his head getting pecked from the spell I cast on them. My appearance caught both of their attention and August was definitely not pleasured to see me.

When Madam Pomfrey was about to shoot her question, August beat their way to it. "Francis, what brings you here?" They smirk as they said my surname.

"I'm here to cast Avis on you again, apparently." I rolled my eyes at August and they snarled.

"Now, now, let's not fight here, shall we?" Madam Pomfrey strictly stated, walking towards me.

She settled me down on a bed and took care of what I needed for this concussion to die down, but of course, that had to involve drinking a gross drink. After that, I was told to rest until I was given another instruction by my mother. Until then, I was stuck with August Silvius.

August was a few beds away from mine, but the ugly tension was there. They looked at me and I looked at them. I was expecting them to say some mean words to me after knowing about my mother's arrival, but they didn't. Instead, I can feel their concern for me. 

"Heard how you reacted when Professor Elspeth came," August spits out, their voice had a tint of compassion. "I didn't know how much of an impact your own mother is on you."

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