🍁 Chapter 7 🍁

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That's right! You asked him to kiss her. Why? Because you were at a party with him where you had one too many drinks and are now drunk out of your mind, fighting between the urge to go over and kiss Taehyung and regret for your whole life or kiss Jungkook and make Taehyung regret for his whole life.

The choice was as clear as day. Kiss Jungkook.

Because one, he was technically your boyfriend and two, because you had no sense of control over yourself and three, because you were a certified idiot.

"YN, you're drunk. You don't know what you're saying" he quietly said, the words meant only for your ears.

"I'm serious. Kiss me now or I'll do it myself" you got on your tippy toes to slung your arms around his neck. He closed his eyes momentarily as your lower half got in contact with his own and a quivery sensation ran past his abdomen to his not so PG part.

He wasn't very sober himself for all he knew. He had a glass or two of the booze and was a little tipsy himself but his senses were working unlike yours. "Please Jungkook"

If there was an award to give to a word in Jungkook's dictionary that would damn him one day, it would go to the simple yet horrifying word you throw his way every other day. Please Jungkook.

He would be damned if he complied with your request to kiss you and he would be even more damned if he didn't because his mind wasn't going to sink with his heart. While your seductive raspy drunk voice was doing something to him in a certain area, your choice of outfit wasn't helping him any better as well.

With a green dress that perfectly blended your browns in those beautiful eyes took Jungkook's breath the second you came out of your house. His hands itched to touch you while driving to the party. His overprotective heart was on the verge of blinding every eye that came your way but he had to control.

But now he couldn't. You were high. He was partially drunk and you were asking him for a kiss. Just a small kiss but deep down he felt like taking advantage of your state.

"Taehyung wouldn't like it," he said.  Taehyung wouldn't even mind it- what he wanted to say.

"Screw him. I want you. You've been ignoring me. You've been acting weird. What did I do?" You slurped those words out of your lips. With no sense of control over your body or your mind, you clinged to his body like a koala.

"I am not ignoring you" his arms came behind your back to support you. "You didn't do anything. Trust me. It's me who messed up" he added. He knew you were out of your Swansea and telling you anything would be a waste of his breath.

He placed you on a couch and went to bring some water for you. The host of the party, his other friend from the basketball team, assured him he'd keep eyes on you. He retired with a bottle of water for you and another shot of drink for himself.

The party went on for a few more hours. You've sobered up just a tiny bit by now, but Jungkook was a little more than tipsy. His eyes have gone droopy but because he was a heavyweight, he sobers up quickly too. Blame his metabolism or the athlete body, the alcohol has minimum grasp on him.

In the distance, you saw Taehyung sitting with his girlfriend. Him and the girl from before ended up dating after all. They were cuddling on the huge couch and it made you uncomfortable. But not like before. Not with the creeping sensation you'd feel everytime Taehyung was with others. It was different and confusing.

"What are you looking at?" Jungkook asked, following your gaze. It landed on his best friend and his new girlfriend. His eyes returned to you. You broke eye contact with them and looked back at him.

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