Chapter 4-Magic

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"Umm......" Kyle had gotten up from the bed.
He didn't know how long he was asleep.
But he did remembered the huge,black monster-and that he had shot it,then.....
Well. that much he WAS remembering, and now he was in a bed which he had slept on last night as well.
"Kyle!!" called somebody.
Kyle immediately turned around to face Emily, concerned look on her face.
"Oh my god, I thought you were never going to wake up!"
"Uh...yeah...well, now I'm awake. long was I asleep? I'm really kind of confused right now...."
"Don't worry,you weren't asleep for long. just for...well,6 hours?"
"6 HOURS?! wait, what time it is then?"
"Well..6:46, that is..."
"You got up." said S.S., as she entered the room.
"S.S.? oh, you're okay? wait, what happened to the slime?"
"Due to your attack, it was cured and got back to their habitats again. villagers and students had all been helping to fix up the broken wreckages."
"Oh...well...I don't really understand what you mean,'s gone..right? well, if that's that, then everything's fine-*growl*"
"Come out and have some dinner first. you must be starving. you too, Emily. it's time for dinner."
"Oh. and, here's your hat, Kyle." said S.S., placing the hat in Kyle's hands.
"Ah, thanks!" he replied, as he placed it on his head and headed out.

After they had roasted chicken (Of course Fairies' chicken) for dinner, Ms.Gray asked Kyle to come to her room for a moment, because she got something to talk to him.
Kyle said ok, and after they ate, Emily offered to wash the dishes that day, and S.S. and September cleaned the house and weeded the vegetable patch behind the house.
"You have...something to ask to me, Miss? have I done something wrong?"
"Oh no, my dear. but I just have some questions, just like I said before."
"Okay....what is it, Miss?"
"Well. it's something about....that...thing. on your belt."
"Yes. we thought you had no weapons at all, yet you had that."
"Uh-Miss Gray- this is not really an actual weapon! it's a toy gun! bullets are all sort of harmless-and because of that fight with that slime, I lost all the bullets as well!"
"I see. don't be scared, I'm not here to blame anything to you. but do you mind handing me-that,gun-for a moment?"
Kyle obediently handed the gun over to Miss Gray, and she examined its barrel and shape thoroughly, then she tried pulling on the trigger as well.
"Hmm...I see. but it would be more easier to show you rather than just explaining. now, would you shoot that cup over there on the table?"
"Ur...Miss Gray..."
"It's okay, my child. please do it."
Kyle was thinking, that it was not even having a bullet in it, and wondered what use it might be to shoot the cup with the empty gun.
But he thought that Miss Gray was alerted by fairy villagers because of his gun during his battle with the slime, and that maybe she wanted to check that it was not capable of causing harm to the village. and if that's the case, Kyle was willing to cooperate.
So he used his fingers to load the empty gun and to be prepared to shoot.
And he realized that something was wrong from the moment he succesfully prepared himself to shoot the cup.
Of course it couldn't make sense to LOAD the empty gun, when it doesn't even have a bullet!
And he was now concerned that Ms.Gray would think that he lied, or...really break the cup, and then that Ms.Gray would be hurt.
"Ur...Ms.Gray...I think the gun still has its bullets...."
"Don't worry. we all saw that you used them out."
"It's ok. just shoot."
Kyle couldn't understand why Ms.Gray was making him do that at all,but he was also tired of continuing suspension, he decided to do it now.
Then the bright, golden light streaked out of the barrel like a streak of lightning, and it went straight toward the cup.
The cup shattered and its pieces were scattered onto the table and the floor.
Kyle stood there frozen and speechless, unbelivable and confused at what just happened, then S.S. burst into the room, a broomstick stuck out like a weapon in her hands.
The only calm person in the room was Ms.Gray.
"S.S., honey. it's okay, now. please, will you continue to clean and come to this place later? I'm trying to test something with Kyle."
"......Okay." S.S. gave a meaningful look to Kyle one last time, then left the room.
Kyle could here S.S. explaining what had happened to Emily and September outside the room.
"Now, you saw that, didn't you, Kyle? and as you and everyone knew, that gun was empty, and was unable to be shot anymore, before you gave that last attack to the monster. and here, we saw it again."
"But...but, I don't understand anything! what had just happened?!"
"It is your magic. and you managed to make it spark last time, and now you're using it."
"Wha-a magic?!"
" could I?"
"When you arrive at this world of LD," said Ms.Gray, walking slowly around the room, toward the table. "Certain humans are able to spark their magics from deep inside their souls." she said, lifting one of the shattered pieces of cup up.
"No one really knows the reason, except it seems that those humans who are able to use their magics in this world has all noble,pure souls, and a desire to help people, whether they are related to you or not." she contined, giving the piece a slight rub with her fingers.
"Each magic's forms are all different....there could be basically elements, such as fire,water,earth and wind...or some special sources. such as light,sound,emotion, or any sort of energies from their souls." she said, as the piece suddenly faded away and became a thin streak of mist.
"...As I know, every faries and elves has those powers, diverse and varied. and I believe your magic is light, with the form of a bullet from your gun." she said, as she returned to the armchair slowly.
"As humans' old folk tales says, witches or magicians with magic wand...the source to express their souls' magics...we can confirm that your gun is now your magic wand."
Kyle was now entirely confused, and he was trying hard to accept this reality.
And he began to ask the questions which were all in his mind, and they all literally poured out of his mouth at once with his confusion.
"I could it be that for humans to be only able to use their magics here? and, if I can use it, why can't my sister use it? or, is it even right for her not using it? I mean we never know that!"
"If that's the case, what am I even? how about S.S.? wait, is she even a human? but she was able to use that dagger to slash the monster? does SHE has magic as well?"
"Yes,I did hear what you said, Ms.Gray. but what do you mean only people with pure hearts-or souls-are able to use it-all of a sudden? like, flash! now you can use magic! does that mean my soul is pure or something...I mean, I really don't mean to be rude, but Ms.Gray, you really got to explain that why--"
"Kyle Riverside the human, can't you DO calm down!" cried Ms.Gray sharply, which reminded Kyle very much about his math teacher back at his school. so he shut his mouth and stared at Ms.Gray.
Ms.Gray sighed, and began to explain Kyle's questions one by one.
"First, nobody knew the reason why humans from outside could use their magics in this world, but ancient scholars thought that it's because of World of LD's air, that they're different from that of humans' world. and magic appears on that person when it's the most desperate moment for him-that is, it's confirmed by history, and no, we still don't know whether your sister can use it or not, but you must not urge her to try it, because whatever happens, magic always appears on humans when they're most desperate. and yes. they very much SUDDENLY get those abilities, but at the first time, because they can't control the power, they pass out, just like you did. and the average rate was confirmed to be 5~6 hours."
Miss Gray sighed again, and looked at the floor for a moment.
And Kyle was slowly accepting the fact that he was chosen in this world to be able to use his magic.
"And as for the S.S...." Ms.Gray began. "We never knew what sort of a species she is. whether she is human, or fairy, or some elf, or beast like September, or some other creatures that belongs in this world. but nothing, she didn't even have a memory for herself, so we never knew anything about her. only thing we DID know about her, is that she CAN use some abilities seeming like magic, such as incredible powers or abilities to defeat harmful monsters. it seemed as if she was born to fight."
".......How did...S.S. got here, then, Ms.Gray?" Kyle asked carefully.
Now he had already accepted the fact that he can use his magic with his gun.
"Well.....I was the one found her at first. I was watching the stars one night, thinking what I'm supposed to teach my students at school next day. but then, a shooting star fell from the sky. but it wasn't the usual, quiet streak of a shooting star. it seemed huge, which meant it was very close. it was huge, and glowing silver, and it was falling to the next side of the woods, FAST. I quickly ran to alert my people or any other creatures there, thinking that the meteor would strike the ground and seriously hurt people and the surface. but when I arrived, it was a clearing, and nothing was there, and when it finally touched the ground, there was an explosion and the ground was dug out like a huge bowl-like hole." she looked outside the window for a moment.
"....I still remeber what had happened back there....and it was 3 years ago....when I carefully flew down the hole, covered in dust, there was a girl crouching on the bottom. I had not seen her when I arrived at the place before the meteor stroke,so it was evident that she had fallen from the sky WITH the meteor. not even humans had arrived that way before...I was so confused. and unlike my dread, she was alive, covered in dust and soot, and there was a tear marks on her dusty cheeks. I had asked her, 'Who are you? where are you from?' but she would not remeber anything, and says, 'I don't know.' so since then, I had taken her in with me in this village with other students. and we discovered nothing else ever since."
"......" Kyle was speechless, and he heard Ms.Gray warn him. "But do not ask more questions about her memories or past to her from now on...she would be stressed to answer them."
"....I see..of course, Ms.Gray...I would be careful."
"Thank you." she said, and she grabbed the small broom and dustpan from the drawer, and swept the pieces into it, and told Kyle that he was now free to go-and he turned to go just before Ms.Gray called, "Wait!"
So Kyle turned around and Ms.Gray hastily grabbed the papers and book from the table and approached him.
"Talking about all this, I nearly forgot to tell you about the most important things!"
"Look at this, Kyle." she said, showing him the certain page of a thick, red book.
In the book, he could see the picture of a man heading to the tall mountain, behind him a colorful jewels in a color of a diverse rainbow colors in a diamond shape, pink, red, orange, yellow, green,sky-blue,blue,purple and white.
"What is this?"
"This is the history of LD,and also the legend from the past. it's about the story of human arriving here, just like you and your sister did! it was an ancient time, and he had collected those 8 crystals from diverse places of LD's mainland by journeying this place and then went to the highest mountain located at the Northern land, and then managed to open a portal to his home! it was told he had went back to his home, though none of them saw it themselves."
"So...that means..."
"That means you and your sister could do the same and head to the Northern Land, and return home! at least that's the only known solution."
"Really....? but...I don't feel so sure...what if that portal had led to some other strange places?"
"I'm sorry, Kyle, but for your sister, and for your family who are waiting you out there's sake, you can't stay here forever. and it is certain that the man in the past DID go back to his home...even if it's not true, I can't do anything else for you...."
"Well....okay,Ms.Gray, I'll definitely try, it won't hurt to do it! but...I don't know anything to do to get to those crystals...I don't even know where they're located at!"
"Don't worry about that. in case you'll need to go, I had prepared this list for you!" she said, handing Kyle a list full of 8 locations.
"Ms.Gray...this is..."
"It's the name of the places where it is known for crystals to have been located around this land. with this, your trail shall be swifter."
Kyle slowly shook his head, and looked up at Ms.Gray.
"Ms.Gray......I...I don't know how to thank you at and my sister owe you too much..."
"Don't be silly,Kyle! it is basical for teacher to help her students!"
Kyle chuckled and wiped his tears that came out despite his will, and smiled and bowed straight to Ms.Gray.
"Ms.Gray, I'll make sure to pay this back to you one day! thank you so much!!"
Ms.Gray just smiled and nodded, and finally, Kyle got out.
Because it was late that night, Kyle decided to sleep in Ms.Gray's house again, and he told Emily to what had happened in Ms.Gray's room, and what he had heard, except that story about S.S..
Emily was thrilled and worried at the same time.
"That's really awesome, Kyle! can we travel around this whole places, only two of us alone?"
"We'll somehow get through it, you'll see!"
With that, siblings went to bed, Kyle climbing on the top bunk, and Emily tucking herself into the bed next to S.S., who seemed to be asleep already.

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