Prologue - Downfall of the White Room

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𝕯𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖊

3rd March, 3:35 PM, 2015

There was a pervasive sense of precariousness as the subjects, from various generations, trooped out of the white room in single file.

The typically sedate ambiance was replaced by a frenetic atmosphere. After fifteen years, the white room was shut down for unknown reasons.

The instructors were taken into custody—most likely for interrogation—by police officers, leaving behind an eerie silence that was only broken by the sound of footsteps and the occasional murmur of the subjects.

However, that man was nowhere in sight...

"The white room will shut down, so bring the subjects to safety," a womanly yet robotic voice heralded via the speakers, dissipating the eeriness in the air.

The procession of subjects filed out of the white room, their footsteps reverberating with a sentiment of finality.

I trudged along at the back, a lone figure amid the multitudes of enthralled people.

The cacophony of joyful chatter suffused the air, yet I could not feel the same thrill.

Why are they so happy to enter such a boring world?

The outside world held no fascination for me, no allure. It was simply the next step of a journey I didn't wish to take.

"You have to be kidding me, right? A mere teenager..."

The voice shattered my apathy, a voice that was familiar yet foreign all at once. It originated from outside the doors, and with each step, it grew louder, its timbre unusually rich with emotion.

Ultimately, I reached the door and pushed it open after a heartfelt exhalation.

The brisk, restorative air was like a soothing balm on my complexion as I finally stepped out of the sterile confines of the white room and planted my foot on the natural earth beneath me.

The soft soil squished pleasantly under my shoes as I let my eyes roam to the vast expanse of surrounding trees and mountains, their green foliage and jagged peaks rising into the clear azure sky.

Yet despite the awe-inspiring scenery around me, my eyes returned to the ground, incapable of shaking off the numbness that had settled over me after spending so many years within these cold, monotonous walls.

"Stop," chimed a voice in, her voice ringing solemn, and she continued, "What's your name?"

"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka."

Awaiting her answer, the stillness of the forest seemed to grow even more oppressive. Eventually, I turned around to face her.

The girl calling me was a breathtaking sight to behold, with her hair as white as freshly fallen snow and her eyes as blue as the clearest sky.

The girl's skin was flawless, with a soft and velvety texture, shimmering in the sunlight.

The surface was unblemished, without a single imperfection to mar her pristine appearance, and seemed to radiate a soft, ethereal glow as if she were an otherworldly being.

As she drew closer, I caught a whiff of her delicate scent, a subtle but alluring blend of lavender and vanilla that left me inexplicably entranced.

"Come with me," she offered, extending her hand to me with a gentle smile.

    "Come with me," she offered, extending her hand to me with a gentle smile

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"Why should I?" I questioned, skepticism slowly rising within me.

"There is nowhere else you can go, right?" she countered, arching her eyebrow with a hint of condescension.

Her voice resonated like a clear bell in the silence, a stark contrast to the oppressive stillness.

"There are plenty of options," I bluffed, knowing that my current options available were limited.

The only viable option for me would be to stay with Matsuo.

"What do you want to do now?" she prodded, interrupting my musings.

What do I want to do? This was a good question, one that I had not considered. Images of normalcy, a life without the white room, flitted through my mind.

In the outside environment—based on what I observed last time—nothing was fascinating to me. However, I was itching to know what leading a regular life would be like.

"Live a normal high school life," I reluctantly answered, my voice scarcely above a whisper.

"Is that all?" she queried, inclining her head to the side, to which I bobbed my head, answering her question.

"I might know the perfect school for you."

Before I could react, she captured my hand and pulled me toward the sleek modern black Mercedes parked nearby. The car gleamed in the sunlight, its polished exterior reflecting the surrounding trees and sky.

As I climbed in, I noticed the subtle scent of leather and expensive perfume permeating the air.

Hesitantly, I reclined in the luxurious leather seat and felt its mellow texture against my skin. I established eye contact with that man for one last time.

I had no more words left for him, and it seemed like neither did he.

The car door closed with a satisfying thud, sealing me inside with the girl who had just presented me with a shot at a new life.

Was this woman really offering me a chance at a new life, or was it all just a ploy to lure me into another trap? She seemed to have connections with the police, so she is somewhat reliable.

"I'm glad this plan worked," she huffed, subtly smiling as she wiped the invisible sweat off her forehead.

"This was your plan?"

"If this hadn't worked, I might have needed to persuade you with a maid costume and cat ears," she responded, her voice tender and melodic, like a lullaby.

Was this a joke, or was this a common thing to do?

"Can you do it nonetheless?" I prompted, slightly intrigued to see her in a maid costume, whereupon she started to chuckle.

"In the future perhaps, but let's go for now," she responded with a pleasant simper.

The car engine roared to life, and we began to move down the winding forest road as our bodies bumped up and down, and we stared out the window. It was the same as the first time; no emotional response.

"Siesta," she intoned abruptly, resting her head on her right hand as she peered at me with an amused glint in her eye.


"That's my name," she clarified, clearing her throat as she grew even more somber, "and as you may have guessed, I'm the person who exposed the white room."

A/N: Where do you want this fanfiction to head?

What do you want to see? ANHS? I prefer SOL, makes it easier to write.

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