Chapter 20

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After speaking with Toman, Kakucho hastily went back to Tenjiku's headquarters. He knows that Takemichi does not support this conflict either, and he reasoned that if Takemichi supported him, the conflict might be resolved.

But as soon as he came back, even from the distance, he can already hear some punches, some real brutal punches echoing their hideout.

He followed the sound and his body stiffened when he saw Takemichi, mercilessly beating an unidentified man who was wearing a Toman uniform.

“Kakucho” He looked at the man who called him. Izana who’s grinning so widely, completely satisfied by the sight of the real Takemichi, the sight of his Takemichi. “He’s back”

His gaze went back to Takemichi. He can no longer see any light in those blue eyes. Only darkness that seems to be invading the boy’s body as blood splattered on his face. “That’s enough, Takemichi!” Kakucho yelled but Takemichi still continued, appearing not to be paying attention to him at all.

Kakucho, who's completely worried that he might kill the man, yelled and yelled but the boy who seems to have gone feral didn’t listen.

“That’s enough now, Takemichi.” Kisaki demands, Takemichi listens like a dog on a leash.

Takemichi’s face has no expression at all. He’s just sitting there, staring at the bloody and unrecognizable face of the guy he had just beaten up.

Izana approached Takemichi as he assisted him in standing up. “Your clothes are all bloody now, Takemichi. Let’s get you your new uniform.” Izana said while wiping the blood on Takemichi’s face. “Kakucho, get me Takemichi’s uniform”

Kakucho was quivering as he walked to retrieve Takemichi's Tenjiku outfit.

This is wrong, this is really wrong.

“I can’t believe this is really happening” Chifuyu said, still can’t comprehend everything.

Toman executives including Koko and Inui are now sitting at the Sano residence, still thinking about the words they heard from Kakucho.

“Izana Kurokawa…he’s the guy who approached me” They all gave Mikey astonished looks as they turned to face him.

“You met him?!” Everyone unitedly asked.

“Yeah. The day before Takemichi left” Mikey shared with a cold gaze “I thought he’s so weird for just approaching me like that. I didn’t think that he’s the Tenjiku’s leader”

“You met our brother?” They looked at Emma who’s been eavesdropping their whole conversation since earlier.

“You know him?” Mikey asked, his eyes widened in shock.

“Yeah..we lived together until he left when I was three years old”

“Do you remember anything about your brother?” Draken asked, trying to avoid Mikey’s gaze at the moment.

“No, not really…” Emma said, meeting everyone’s disappointed look. “I’ve always seen you with big bro! It’s impossible that you don’t know anything!” Emma whips her head and points at Inui.

“I already told them everything I know”

Emma began to look around when she suddenly recalled the letters she saw when they were sorting out Shinichiro’s things.. “Ah! Hold on a sec!” She started roaming around, scanning the room to find the said letters and when she finally got it, she placed the small box —- or a tin on the table in front of everyone.

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