☆ Chapter 15

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15 : The Looks We Exchange


You were busy listening to your favorite (and one and only) science teacher talking about your favorite lessons in science. You decide to make some small drawings on your notebook to decorate your notes. You got a note from someone who has an awfully familiar but have a very expensive looking handwriting.


Dear Y/n,

I am hosting a table at the cafeteria and I have already reserved one for us. Kokomi found Noelle and Bennett and she said they will also come to the table. Our group will finally be reunited. Mona is also coming.

Yours truly, Albedo.


Seriously? Now? You were supposed to sit with Scaramouche and Kazuha since he wanted to introduce you to some other friends. But honestly who would wanna meet new people? You were just gonna have to tell Scaramouche that you couldn't make it I guess. The teacher had to go for a meeting so one of the class officers had to take matters in their own hands. You were going over to Scaramouche's desk when all of a sudden you feel someone hold your hand.

"Hey Y/n! I was hoping if you could spent some time with me?"


"Y/n! You're coming to our table right?"

"Uhh what table??"

"The table with Scaramouche and Kazuha of course!"

"Aha! Right.."



"What the..."
"You're coming to OUR table right Y/n? I have some friends to introduce too!"

"Uh.. I'm not so sure about that Kaeya.."

"What ever do you mean?"

"Cause Y/n's sitting at MY table."

"Oh! Y/n is actually sitting at MY table!"

"Actually Y/n is going to be sitting at MY table."

"Please, chill out. I just wanna talk to Scara."

"Go ahead, I'm not forcing you not to."

"YOU MEAN! WE! Are not forcing them!!"

"You shorties better keep your mouths shut."

"Kaeya, please calm down. It's not like you're dating them."

"In the future!"

"Ha! You wish!"

"What did you say?"

"Keep it cool both of you. We can't risk getting in trouble over some stupid tables."

The auburn haired man looks at the dark blue haired man with a death stare. You walk over to Scaramouche and tell him you couldn't make it since an old friend of yours invited you over to reunite with some old friends. He looked sad at the fact that you weren't coming to sit beside him. You explained that he was just gonna have to tell you and your stories at the table. He begged you to come but obviously you knew you couldn't. He respected the decision because he knows that he can't just force you to come. In reality, Scaramouche is actually just a gentleman. He hides it behind his high ego but once you set it aside, he actually becomes soft torwards you. Maybe the soft part not so much, but you could definitely agree that Scaramouche wasn't the type to force someone to do something they wouldn't wanna do. Unless he dislikesthat person somehow?

 [✧] ❝𝗪𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗚𝘂𝘆❞ - Scara x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now