you meet at a party - college AU (requested)

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The music at the party was blaring in your ears but you didn't pay it much attention.

Sitting on the floor, you had your pen in your hand and your homework on your lap.

Parties aren't really your thing but your friends practically begged you to come to this one.

And even though you agreed then, you're starting to regret it now.

Your friends are quite the social butterflies whereas you are not.

You just started college and don't know many people and you don't feel comfortable going around to introduce yourself to more.

That's outside your comfort zone.

So while everyone else had fun, you sat on the floor catching up on some schoolwork that you need to finish.

Though that's not all you're doing.

You've also got your eye on a pretty girl across the room and every now and then, you look up from your work to steal a glance or two.

You looked up once more to look at her again and your heart nearly burst out of your chest when she caught you looking.

"Crap," You whispered and kicked yourself for getting caught staring.

You stared down at the book on your lap and out of the corner of your eye, you noticed someone approaching you.

You looked up just as they sat down beside you and you saw that it was the pretty girl that you had your eye on.

This girl wasn't just pretty, but she's also the hottest girl on campus and everybody agrees on that.

So you couldn't help but wonder why she was talking to you when most people describe you as nerdy and introverted.

"Hi." She smiled.

"Hi." You said back to her.

"I'm Tinashe. What's your name?"

"Y/N." You said, nervously biting your lip.

"Y/N..." She paused, liking the way it sounded as it fell from her lips. "That's a very pretty name."

"Thanks." You said and looked back down at your books.

But Tinashe took the pen out of your hand and grabbed your books, setting them aside.

"Why are you doing work at a party?" She asked curiously.

"My friends are off somewhere else and I'm kinda shy. I don't know anyone else here."

"Yeah, you do. You know me. So stop staring at your books and look at me, like you've been doing all night."

You chuckled nervously in response.

"Do you want to dance, Y/N?"

"Um," You paused. "You should probably find someone else to do that with."

"Why?" She frowned.

"You could do better." You said and watched her eyes turn sad. "You're the hottest girl on campus and a lot of girls like you."

"Well I don't like them, I like you."

"You do?" You asked with big eyes.

"Yeah!" She giggled. "Why do you think I'm here talking to you?"

You couldn't help but grin as you looked down at your lap.

But she had you look back up at her a second later as she hooked her fingers under your chin and lifted it.

"For the record, I think you're the hottest girl on campus."

Her words made butterflies appear in your chest.

"Will you please dance with me? I want to get to know you more and I like you a lot. Please?"

You nodded and took her hand as she held it for you.

Leading you away from your books and across the room, you danced together as you kept your eyes on each other.

But you could feel all the eyes on you and it made you nervous, so eventually, you froze and hung your head, feeling shy.

"How about we get out of here?"


"I hate this party and I can tell you're uncomfortable. So let's go grab some food or something. Sound good?"

You liked that idea much more.

So you nodded your head and went back over to grab your books.

When you gathered them all, she suddenly took them from you and held her other hand out for you.

"I'll carry them for you if you'll hold my hand." She smiled.

You happily took her hand into yours and walked out of the party as your heart skipped beat after beat.

Suddenly, you didn't regret coming here after all.

Maybe your friends begging you to come wasn't such a bad thing after all.

Because otherwise, you wouldn't have met Tinashe, and, though neither of you knew it then, you had a very bright future ahead together.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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