Mitch and Jerome's exploration- part 6

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Mitches p.o.v

As we began walking to the tree house Jerome began to flirt with me, each time making my face redder and redder.

My heart was pounding like crazy and I was making it pretty obvious I liked him so the fact he hasn't left me yet came as a huge shock.

"Hey, you okay mitch? You blanked out there for a second.

"yeah of course. Why wouldn't I be?" I replied with, glad that he has never seen me in real life.

"come on biggums. we have to get there faster than this if we want to hang out for a bit." I laughed whilst grabbing his wrist and beginning to run.

I didn't notice that my hand had slipped down from his wrist until I felt him entwine our fingers, making my once porcelain face turn a harsh red.

I slowed down once the treehouse was in sight and let go of Jerome's hand.

A look of disappointment seemed to cross his face but he most likely didn't feel that way.

Stupid brain.

I walked the last length to the vines and began climbing it with Jerome not to far behind.

When we were both up I could see a small, mischievous forming on Jerome's lips from the corner of my eye.

I tried to just shake it off but whilst in the process of doing so he snaked his arms around my waist.

I flinched away for a second, but only a second.

As soon as I knew what was going on I leaned back into him and relaxed in his grip.

When I turned back to look at him he held a sad expression so I asked "What's the matter biggums?" worried I had done something wrong.

What he said next shocked me most.

"what did they do to you? How could someone possibly harm such a perfect human being in any way shape or form?" He said ,mostly to himself, whilst blinking back a few tears that threatened to spill.

If only he new what I looked like in the real world.

Fresh cuts and old scars littering my entire body.

The fat, worthless, unloved body that I'm trying to fix.

Last year I stopped eating, only allowing myself to eat an apple slice each weekend so I don't die but get thinner.

I made eye contact with Jerome and simply give my reply like it was blaintly obvious because it was.

the land of love merome(with a hint of setosolace, vikklan and skylox)- on Hold Where stories live. Discover now