annes version

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Hamilton walked into Jefferson's room in his usual outfit, yet Jefferson always likes to point out how good he looks.
"look better than usual, darling." jefferson said
Hamilton blushed.
"t-thanks..! nya~!" hamilton replied
his eyes glistened in the moonlight. Jefferson was in his nightly clothing attire. He lied down on the bed, and shut off the light.
"Please look away.. I'm going to change." Hamilton said.
"oh no, but I must view your magnificent body! It's so very attractive." Jefferson replied.
"Thomas, you know we shouldn't even be in the same room right now."
"oh i know, but nothing can stop true love.."
Jefferson stood up and put his hand on Hamilton's buttcheek. He slowly took his left hand and placed it on his chest, slowly moving down towards his coochie.
"w-what are you doing thomas? you wouldn't even think about-"
"It's true love hon, and this is what lovers do." Jefferson replied with a smirk.
He soon reached his base and his long, cold fingers, and Hamilton whimpered lightly, closing his eyes and moving his head in an upwards position.
"Now, listen to me, my love. You're gonna let me do whatever I want to you. You're gonna let me fuck you beyond your limit, until you're paralyzed from the shoulders down, you got that?" Jefferson demanded.
"y-yes sir."
" ass up baby girl."
they fucked. for a long time. (9 business days), eventually Hamilton was pregnant but he had to abort the baby because he was paralyzed. the end 😘

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