( 𝟒𝟐 ) 𝐬abotage!

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I sighed heavily as the chat rolled through like a roller coaster

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I sighed heavily as the chat rolled through like a roller coaster. I had to admit to myself that the reason I agreed to this was because of the comments under some of her older posts. But the thing was I felt bad. What if they used to be friends and I was instigating? What if she was just trying to be my friend like a decent person? What if I was reading way too deep into this and Kenma didn't even have as bad a reaction as he really did.

Lexi giggled on her end. Her voice was higher than I thought it was; maybe I should've done a bit more research into her streams.

"Hi guys! This is, well most of you probably already know who this is, Y/n!" She seemed bubbly as her light brunette hair bounced back and forth. She had a loud personality and she was pretty... I found myself comparing the two of us.

As idiotic as that was... Who knew how quickly I could go from confident in myself to insecure all because of one comment?

"So, today we are going to be playing some Roblox with my dear friend," She said as if we were close, "I'm thinking of playing some natural disaster survival... what do you think Y/n?"

She perked up, her big brown eyes blinking sweetly, "Uh, yeah that sounds good! I haven't played Roblox in a while, actually." She tilted her head with a soft smile.

"Oh, because you're so busy with Kenma, right?" Her sweet face remained the same. But her eyes flickered. I got this weird feeling in my stomach, but I persisted.

A nervous giggle left my throat, "I guess so..."

"Kenma and I used to be closer," She continued on. All of this was so uncalled for, "He used to play video games with me and such. Yeah," she pouted her pink lips, "But one day he just ghosted me! So rude, right Y/n?"

I didn't respond, the only sound I made was a shaky breath, "He doesn't ghost you right? I mean he could never really hold a girl... I'm sure he's changed now right?"



Lexi was this innocent looking girl, her big doe eyes and thick, plump lips made her look young compared to most people her age. Her voice was soft and cute and her fashion sense was incredibly particular. Overall, she was adorable.

But something was incredibly off about her. As awful as I felt for bashing her in my head, what if it was all unintentional? But you can't stop the mind from jumping to conclusions without seeing the whole picture.

She kept bringing up Kenma, oddly enough. In that sweet, angelic voice of hers that perfectly matched her pretty sparkly eyes.

"Kenma plays this on streams a lot, right Y/n?"

"Oh, I guess so," I eyed the camera, diligently glancing at her with a confused look. The fuck did he have to do with this? My suspicions grew and my eyes burned with salty tears. However, letting them slip would be stupidly embarrassing. And I kept thinking about how Kenma said he'd tune into my stream.

Has he been online, watching me this whole time?

"Haha, chat you guys are so funny," Lexi bobbed her head, "Did you read the chat Y/n?"

"Hm? Oh, I didn't..." I glanced at my monitor, watching as the most recent comments flooded in. It was like a rush of water, one droplet after the other. But I could sense it was overfilling and I was drowning in it.

I rolled my eyes at myself; why did I always let things hurt me until I explode?

StinkyLex: dude... isn't it weird that she's streaming with the girl Kenma was supposedly dating last year??

Y/NLOVER: wait what???

kenmaslay: yeah... it's a bit odd

StinkyLex: I mean tbh lex and Kenma look better together I would be so insecure if I were y/n💀

lexilover: dude frl

I batted my eyes in shock. This is what Lexi had thought was so hilarious? Her "innocent" little giggles I had cursed myself for being jealous of... was laughing at this?

I simply sat in shock. I could feel the comments now without even reading them. They were definitely mocking me and I couldn't do anything. Or maybe I could. But I felt a pressure on my chest and an odd feeling in my heart. Like something was poking at it with a stick.

But I persevered with a smile, "I should go, it's getting late for me." I hurriedly waved and exited the call, ultimately exiting the stream.

I was supposed to go visit Kenma but I felt sick. Something was going on and I knew it. A secret. I fucking hated secrets. They made me feel stupid.

Lexi... Kenma... even if nothing was happening between them, Kenma was being weird. Hiding texts, abruptly ending calls.

I grabbed my keys and hurried out into the now cool night air.

"I'm going to figure this shit out!"

"I'm going to figure this shit out!"

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