Chapter 9: Reintroductions

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Tv Dude: Hello and Happa Fry Day! Today we shall go to a zoo and provoke the camels by yelling and throwing the shattered dreams of young, orphaned children at them. Until we get to the Zoo, though, we ask that you please enjoy this chapter!

Foxy's pov
It had been a few days since they had brought Katherine in, but by then I was used to her. I still didn't like her voice though, it sounded robotic and...dead. Her voice was just really creepy. I walked down the dark hallway to the stage to talk to Bonnie and Chica. Being locked up in there all day listening to Katherine's voice box was killing me.
For the first time in my life, I couldn't stand Pirate Cove.
I stopped to look at the party room, this whole mess was started because of what happened in that room. I miss the old days, I thought, everything was so simple then.
I had asked Molly if they would let me run out again, she said she wasn't sure, but she that would try to find out.
Bonnie and Chica were sitting on the stage, as always.
"Hey," I said plopping down next to them, "Whats been happening?"
It was then I noticed the grim look on their faces, "What happened this time?"
They looked at each other before looking at me. Then without a word, Bonnie handed me a piece of paper.
It was that moment that changed my life forever.

Bonnie's pov
Foxy had started walking to the stage to talk to us, I guess he didn't like the new animatronic at all. Whenever we mentioned it he just went silent and didn't talk to us for the rest of the night. If we wanted to know anything about it we either had to listen in on the staff's conversations or ask Molly. Both of which was not easy.
So all we knew was that it's name was Katherine, and that it was here to stay.
Molly had been getting a little hard to find lately, I mean, she usually was hard to find. But you could find her if you looked hard enough, now, no matter where or how hard we looked, she was nowhere to be found.
Where is she? I thought as I left the west hall, she hadn't been in ther either. I needed to try a different tactic
"Hey Molly!" I shouted, "Molly, where are you?"
It was right about then when I heard a small clang coming from the parts and services room.
I opened the door, "Molly?" I got no response, I looked around, nobody was in here.
My minds playing tricks on me.
I sighed and went looking for Chica to see if she was having any luck.


The next morning was not a good one. Chica hadn't had any luck finding Molly, and to top it all off, the police made a visit to the pizzeria.
Apparently a little girl had gone missing, and her mother had called the police in a panic. Of course, they didn't find her here, but they were convinced that the pizzeria had something to do with it. I had heard the manager complaining that they were scaring people off and someone needed to get them out of here.
I saw him walk off and drop something in a garbage can before he ran into the kitchen.
When I checked it later that night I found a homemade card. The front of the card had been colored in crayon, and it was a little sloppy, it looked like a kid had made it. It was a get well soon card addressed to Foxy from...someone named Diane.
I hid it in some ceiling tiles and decided I would give it to him later.
"Hey Bonnie?" I heard someone say nervously. I looked up to see Molly floating in the doorway.
"Where have you been?" I asked, standing up and walking to her, "Me and Chica have been looking everywhere."
"C-could you come l-look at this?" She stuttered nervously, she looked around before pointing down the hallway.
"Sure." I replied, following her to the back room, she kept looking over her shoulder.
She looked scared.
Somethings wrong, I thought, I've never seen her like this.
When we finally reached the Parts and Services room, I learned why. I opened the door and flipped the lightswitch on. There was nothing that could of prepared me for what I saw.
The table, which was usually covered with random tools and parts, was now covered in blood. No tools, no parts, just a pool of blood on the tabletop.
"It's the missing girl, isn't it?" I asked, looking at Molly, she just nodded her head.
I felt tears forming in my eyes, but I blinked them away. There was more important things going on, like finding out if the kid was still in the restaurant.
I looked around the room, there was some drops on the floor next to the table, but nothing else. So there was nothing helping us find the kid, or the killer.
Well this is just great, I thought, No blood trail, no footprints. Nothing.
I looked at Molly, "Did you see anyone near this room earlier today?"
She shook her head no, "I was backstage all day, I peeked out a couple of times, but I didn't see anyone." She looked up at me, "It isn't happening again is it?"
"I don't know," I said, "but I'll get Foxy and Chica, we're not just going to do nothing this time."
"Okay," She said, she sounded relieved, "thats good."
With that, I looked around a little bit more and went to find Chica. She was sitting on the stage like always, "Where were you?" She asked.
"It's a long story," I sighed, I told her about the back room, the card, the blood, everything. She said she would help, and that Foxy would be by here any minute and she could aske him. I went to go get the card and sure enough, it was right where I left it.
I walked back to the stage, Foxy still wasn't here, so I sat down on the stage next to Chica. We talked for a while, but it wasn't long until we heard Foxy walking down the hall.
"Hey," He said as he sat down next to us, "Whats been happening?"
He looked at us, I guess he got the hint because he got serious and asked us what happened. It was then I handed him the card. He looked it over before asking what it was.
"I saw the manager throw it in the trash while the police were here." I replied, "I was wondering what it was, so I dug it out of the trash and it was addressed to you."
"Well, thanks Bonnie." He said, "But seriously what's wrong I know this isn't it."
"Come on then," I said, getting up, "you need to see this."
Chica and Foxy followed me to the back room, and once Foxy saw the table, he understood. Chica fell to the floor crying, but Foxy just stood there. I felt just as bad as they did, a couple tears came out, but I wasn't sobbing like Chica was.
After that, Foxy went to his Cove and me and Chica walked back to the stage. It was still pretty early in the night, only 3:42. But after everything that had went on tonight, we needed a rest.

Foxy's pov
I went to back to the Cove early that night, I just couldn't believe it. Someone had hurt a kid again, I shook my head.
They never caught him, did they? I thought, It wasn't him they caught on the cameras.
That had to be it, because this wasn't a coincidence.
I pulled back the curtains to enter Pirate Cove and looked over at Katherine when I noticed that something wasn't right. I took a closer look at her face, What am I missing?
I gasped and hurriedly backed away from the animatronic, there was something wrong with her eyes.
They weren't dead, mindless robot eyes, they were alert and alive ones.
And when she spoke, I knew for sure.
This wasn't the lifeless, mindless robot I was used too... because she was alive.

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