Catch Up: Eglor

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[When he found you]
(You're a Blue Jay)
Today. I finished watching the monthly speedor race since I have nothing else to do and Eris tagged me along with her.

The winner of the race is Laval but Eris was so close that time to winning that race.
I left now that the monthly speedor race is over while the lions cheered for Laval.
I then decided to visit the marketplace for some useful materials for my invention and I let out a sigh of disbelief upon seeing the ravens stealing other items, just to sell back to the owner.

I was about to leave when suddenly I see something that caught my eye: An Egg
Those crooks are gonna get a serious beating on whoever that egg is from.
"Hello, my friend wanna buy something?" Razar ask before I just rolled my eyes at him for framing my tribe for stealing the wolf's mother's tooth like last time because they put fake evidence that my tribe stole with an eagle least that's what Eris' friend told me after the fight.
"Typical Razar. We're not friends after you made the wolves think that it was us who stole their precious item" I sternly told the raven while crossing my arms at Razar and I swear to their legend beast. I will not let their burglary slide.

"But at least we made a profit" I rolled my eyes once again upon hearing that from him.
"You are so lucky that you cared for your customers, Otherwise I was about to make something that would shoot you in your stupid face Razar" I uttered in distastefulness at him.
"Are you going to buy something or what Eglor?" Razar's fellow raven asked me.
"Fine...How much is that egg?" I was done with Razar for now and I'll no more have to argue with him.
"I would be 15 gold coins," Razar told me before he grabbed the egg, putting it on the counter before me.
"Here" I tossed him the gold coins before grabbing the egg from the counter and leaving the marketplace.

I wonder if this is an eagle egg or something. Guess I'll find out if this egg hatches but I'll keep the little chick for myself since I always felt envy for others to have kids and I want one for myself.

[When brought you home]
I finally returned home at least before I gently put down the egg on a pillow.
I then heard a knock before seeing Eris there.

"Eglor can you help me?" She asked nervously but then again it must be her axe again and I fixed it like twice a month.
"Of course Eris" I replied while letting out a sigh in the end before I followed her.
~A few minutes~
"And done" I finished fixing her axe handle before giving it to her.
"Thanks, Eglor" She thanked me before I returned to my room.

What happens next is shocking when I got back to my room.
Upon opening my door and the egg shakes before I rushed to grab the but then the egg shatters, revealing what is not an eagle but a different kind of bird this one has a different beak than an eagle but I'll look into it on the books.

For now, I'll keep this chick and raise him/her as my own as if I had a son/daughter.

[First Words]
No One's POV
Eglor is making another invention but some of his tools were missing.
"Where is it, I could have sworn I put it here" Eglor muttered to himself while the Blue jay chick is just playing with the toys that he provides.
(Y/N) saw one of Eglor's tools under the bed.
"Daddy!" Upon hearing that from the child, He looked at (Y/N) while he/she was pointing under the bed before Eglor found his tools at least after 30 minutes of searching.
"I am so proud of (Y/N)" He then picked up the child before smiling at the Blue jay who is giggling.
Eglor just spends the rest of the day, letting (Y/N) watch him work.

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