The Sexy Homo: Chapter 16

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I fought the urge to crawl under the table and hide from the wrath that is Tintin. We decided to meet at a café near my house and I wasn't able to keep anything from her. Which was why she looked like a dragon ready to blow fire on me until I become nothing more than a pile of ashes.

"The guy asked you to get married, to spend your life with him, what more can you ask for?" Tintin gripped my chair and shook it with all her might. It didn't help me calm down.

"You don't understand, Tin. I need to do a lot of things. To move on, to let go, I need to face some problems I've run away from. JaeJoon had done that... I need to as well."

Tintin rolled her eyes but didn't say anything. Maybe she doesn't agree with me, but she understands what I'm trying to say.

"How are you and DongSung?" I asked, desperate to change the subject.

There was a moment's pause before she answered, as if forming the right words inside her head first before saying it.

"He'll come around for sure. Maybe one of these days..."

There was sadness in Tintin's eyes that made me want to hug her. So it looks like love really found her. And even though it's the biggest irony of the century, to fall in love with a guy who likes another person, a guy, it's a little tragic. I reminded myself to have a one on one talk with DongSung once this is all over. Maybe heads wouldn't roll, but from the look on Tintin's face, DongSung deserves quite a few of his hair ripped off his scalp by the time I'm finished talking to him.


A few minutes later, much to Tintin's disappointment, I stepped in front of a massive structure I called home. I've only been away for a few days but it didn't matter. The place still felt alien yet familiar to me as I slipped past the gates, as I felt the familiar crunching of leaves and grass beneath my feet.

I grew up in this place. This place that looked extravagantly elegant outside and yet so empty inside. I couldn't remember the last time I laughed truthfully while staying here. When I decided to leave a few months ago and build a new life for myself, I felt free. But now, I guess whatever I do this place will always be a part of me.

"Miss Ana."

A servant opened the door for me. She looked familiar. I couldn't remember her name, but I knew she took care of me ever since I was little. When mom couldn't make it to school, she was there. When I couldn't sleep at night, she consoled me. Not mom.

I was lead towards the wide, winding staircase leading to the second floor landing. By the time I realized I was alone I was already halfway through.

I wasn't surprised when I found Mom waiting for me. She was standing by the railing on the balcony, her back against me. She must've heard my arrival, her stance shifted and her back strained just a little bit. I was ready to pour my heart out to her, tell her how I hated a lot of things in my life, and why I chose to leave. I didn't want to hate her, and that even as I kid, I wanted to understand her.

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