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Sasha-How is that possible?!
Kit-That's what I'm trying to figure out as well!
Chaz-This is impossible no hey in existence was capable of rotating both ways.
Kris-Is this what King meant by Freya would regret not using her launcher.
King-'Laughing' You like that it's the rotation King! The forward and reverse king! That is my Variares D.D ladies and gents.
Stan-This cant be happening!
Jango-I don't believe it Freya de la Hoya is being pushed back into a corner!
King-'Laughing' This is good fun I think I'll end things with my special move.
Freya-Don't think this match is over. 'With glowing eyes' Fafnir!

King-Variares! Special move king of Thunder Sword!
Freya-Special move fafnir:Spredial wings!
'The two bets clash resulting in a smoke cloud'
Everyone-'Coughing' who won it!
'Smoke clears revealing Fafnir has been bursted and Variares barley still spinning.'
Everyone-'Staring in shock'
Random3-And King is the winner by way of burst finish.
King-Alright! That's what I'm talking about!

Jango- I don't believe it. Just who is this King.
Stan-To be able to best Freya de la Hoya. You would have to be outrageously strong to do that.
Kris-That reminds me King didn't you have a match and nearly beat Ryuga?
King-Yep! Battled so much the doc said we wouldn't be able to move for weeks.
Sasha-King did you rlly tie with ryuga!
Stan-Lies! There's now.
Jango-I agree! Ryuga's always traveling there's no way you could have been able to battle.
King-He was on beyster island I have proof
Everyone-Show us!
King-Ok! Ok!

Stan-Unbelieveable! I can't believe Ryuga nearly lost to someone like you!
King-Well better believe it 'Laughing' It's great to be the King.
Stan and Jango-'Seething With anger'
Kris-Alright,alright our first opponent has just been selected.
Chaz-That is correct and these are our opponents Sunbat United their a fearsome team in the making and these are their bladers.
'Shows team picture of Sunbat United'
'King and Aguma see a familiar face'
King-Aguma it's-
Aguma-I know its.
King-Not you the blondie on Sunbat United's name is Chris.
Chaz-What can you tell us about him.
Aguma-Not much but the fact his bey Is one annoying stamina type.
Sasha-Why is it annoying?
King-His bey is called Phantom Orion what makes it so annoying is it's driver.
Honey-It's driver?
Aguma-That's right Honey it's driver has bearings inside of it allowing it to always stay upright. And even worse
King-I know I'm the longer it takes to beat it the more stamina it gains.
Kit-So in other words besides Freya's Fafnir. Chris's Phantom Orion it's the worlds strongest stamina type.
Aguma-Correct. Even with Fafnir I doubt Fafnir can drain constant amounts of energy from opposing bets.
Kris-Which means we look at this from a different approach. King is their a way to defeat Orion.
King-Their is one bey,but....
Chaz-But what?
King-None us would be able to control that much power and even if someone could it's long gone by now.
Chaz-What do you mean by 'It's long gone'
Aguma-What he means is the bet we are talking about is a dark bey that has the power to destroy the world.
'Everyone tenses up hearing that'
Kris-Then how is it long gone.
King-Let me tell them

There's only one true King and that's me. Where stories live. Discover now