Chapter 3

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Here you go my lovely's....sorry it took so long for an update, my friends and I have been super busy... but know we will have one up tomorrow or sometime this weekend.....enjoy<3333

Liam's POV

It was too long of a car ride, from the venue back to the hotel.  Niall was lightly snoring in my lap.  I started to nod off when the driver stopped at our hotel.  There were tons of fans, great, just what we needed.  I gently shook Niall awake.

“Where are we?” He asked wiping his eyes.

“We’re back at the hotel Love.”

“Oh.” He said sounding a bit disappointed.  

“You ready?” I asked the sleepy Irish boy.  He nodded and climbed off my lap, I nodded at our driver, and he got out and opened the door.  The fans went absolutely nuts.  Niall and I climbed out, and headed into the hotel, waving at the fans as we passed. 

“Should we stop?” Niall turned around and asked.

“Not tonight, I’m too tired.” I said back, he nodded and walked the rest of the way into the hotel.  

Once we were in the security of the elevator, Niall grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers, I just smiled at his beautiful face.  The elevator doors opened and Niall and I  walked to my room.

“You can stay if you want.” I said glancing at Niall.  He smiled and started to blush.  He looked so cute.  

“Sure.” He said as I opened the door, we walked in and he looked around.

“It’s so clean.” He said.

“Well, it is my room you know.” I joked back.  I was tired, I went to my suit case, grabbed my pajama pants, and went to the bathroom to change.  When I got out of the bathroom I didn’t see my little blonde love anywhere. My face fell a bit.  I walked into the living room to see my Nialler curled up in a ball on the sofa.  I went toward him, and kneeled next to the sofa.  I raised my hands to take off his white Supras. He stirred a bit at my actions.  Once the shoes were offI stoop up, carefully and slowly I put one of my hands behind his knees and along his back.  As I lifted him up, his arms slung around my neck, and he snuggled into my chest.  I smiled as I walked us back to the bedroom.  I closed the door with my foot and pulled back the soft duvet on the bed.  I laid Niall down and tucked him snugly under the duvet.  As I began to walk away I heard Nialler start to whimper, toss, and turn.  I was back to his side in a heart beat.  I placed my hand on his forehead and slowly trailed it down his cheek that wasn’t on the pillow.  He stopped whimpering at my gentle touch I had emitted to his soft, scared, and fragile features.  His bright and creamy blue eyes shot open once I took my hand back.

“Liam?” He muttered.  I remained silent, I don’t think he could see me, but I did know my presence was felt.

“Liam, please! Please don’t leave me.  I...I...I love you Li-Li.” I sat there in shock.  I couldn’t believe this!

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