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Dear bella,

I always thought I would show you this book on are weeding day , you would laugh at all the lame things I remember and make fun of my Grammer mistakes but then you would say how sweet it was and kiss me like all those times before .
it's been a year scince iv seen you , I heard you have a new girlfriend I also heard that your doing to her what u did to me . I don't know how to write this letter , I don't know how to say good bye because it's been a a year since we broke up and I still remember everything , I Remember the smell of the filed when you asked me to be with you , I remember are first kiss and are akward tumbles , I remember the way you tasted when we had that sleep over , your tears when are family said we couldn't be togthere . I remember so much and the worst part is I'm not sure if you remember any of it and if u did , how did u forget? because I really want to know how to erase you from my mind because I'm tired of constantly thinking about you
I'm tired of always writing about you or to you.
So this is it the last later I will ever write to you.
I want you to know that I love you so much never in my life have I ever loved anyone like I have loved you and im scared all never find this love again .
I hope I can forget you even though it hurts so much and I can't even explain the whole in my chest that I have when I can't see you.
Bella don't get mad okay?, but I want to tel l you that your not the same . Your not you . I miss the bella that I fell in love with .

I wish you the best loser .

Love ,

Your nerd .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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