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*Editors note: This chapter is a bit longer but I haven't updated in a while. Please also note this is mature content no under 18 readers. Thank you*

Vusi was at the verge of losing his mind. His father had been sick for three months now and the doctors still did not know what was wrong. He felt his sanity slowly deteriorating and all he wanted was to be at home with his wife. But, he was here at this stupid meeting with the chiefs and they were nagging him about the king's whereabouts. "My father and mother traveled to England to visit my aunt." That was the story they were telling everyone, including Lindiwe. He loved and trusted his wife but her father was a snake. He could use Lindiwe for information without her knowing. "The king needs to return so we can set a date for your ceremony." Chief Justice said with that condescending smile on his face. The man knew how to drive Vusi crazy. He always had something up his sleeve. "I will inform all of you upon his return. I think we have covered all the matters for today and we can conclude the meeting." Vusi said standing up. He felt suffocated by these people.

The short drive to the palace helped calm him down. He was very paranoid lately. He did not eat or drink anything unless it was prepared by Lindiwe. He did not allow any helpers into his room. He isolated poor Lindiwe but it was for her own safety. Vusi knew how power hungry men could become desperate and hurt anyone you loved.

"Sthandwa Sami. You are finally back from the meeting." Lindiwe was cleaning up the room. Vusi had been acting strange lately and she knew something was wrong. The night he came home after leaving with the king he looked like he was crying. He held her close the whole night as if seeking comfort without saying a word. She loved Vusi and seeing him like this broke her and she was convinced all of this had to do with her. She had to conceive as soon as possible. "Yes, I am back themba'lami." Vusi said walking to her and kissing her. She was his peaceful place and he loves how her eyes light up when she sees him. "You are my heartbeat Lindiwe. I love you with all of me." Vusi was never the type to speak about his feelings but he wanted her to know that she was his everything. "I love you too Vusi."

Making food for Vusi meant waking up at the crack of dawn to make breakfast. Lindiwe hated waking up but she loved the man. He had asked her to personally make his meals. "Patience, please make me my smoothie. I love how you make it." Lindiwe said to one of the ladies in the kitchen with her. Vusi had instructed that she makes their meals herself but she was not in the mood for an english breakfast. She wanted a delicious smoothie that Patience always makes for her.

When Lindiwe was done she went to the room to give Vusi his food. The man had a set morning routine. He would wake up, exercise, shower and have sex. After that he would shower, eat and go for meetings. Like clockwork he did it everyday. When Lindiwe got into the room he was in the bathroom so she left the food on the table and left to get her smoothie.

"Patience, what is that?" Lindiwe had just walked in to the kitchen and Patience was pouring some white powder into her smoothie. "It's protein powder." Patience said looking rather guilty. "Why is it in a small clear bag?" Lindiwe could feel it in her gut that something was wrong. "I um, like you said my smoothies taste amazing. So this is my secret ingredient that I add." Patience said forcing a smile. "Ok, thank you." Lindiwe walked to the counter and took the smoothie. Patience looked like she was about to drop dead in the spot.

"Mbu!" Lindiwe knocked on his door. She needed his help By the time she returned to the room Vusi was gone and left her a sweet note on the bed. "Mbu! Open up." Mbuso never slept in but he was recovering from a cold so Vusi had forced him to get some much needed rest. "My princess." Mbuso said opening the door. "I think she is trying to kill me!" Lindiwe said walking into the house. She was visibly upset and she was at the verge of tears. "Who?" Mbuso asked with concern. "Patience she poured some white stuff into my smoothie." Lindiwe said tears streaming down her cheeks. What if she hadn't walked in on her. "Ok, sit down I need to make a quick call." Mbuso disappeared into the room. All Lindiwe could hear was Mbuso yelling over the phone with his hoarse voice. He was on full on killer mode and Lindiwe preferred that crazy side of him right now. She almost died because of trusting someone. Vusi had told her to make her own food. He had stressed the importance of her not trusting anyone but she was a fool. Lindiwe couldn't help the tears streaming down her face. She was so distraught that she didn't even hear Mbuso coming out of the room and sitting next to her on the couch.

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