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Faiths pov 

Jaden had one hand wrapped around my waist and the other on my thigh, I traced his tattoos as they talked I didn't listen or look up jaden every little bit asked if I was ok which was nice. Jaden was the youngest in the room but still very respected by them another tray came around and I was confused again "what's that" I whisper to jaden as I scotch closer "drugs baby" he says as the girl comes over to him. He doesn't take his eyes off of me in fact he pulls my closer the girl walks away I don't look away from jaden till I hear a noise I look up and see on of the guys thrusting into the girls butt that's sitting on him she's not wearing a top really so he's grabbing here tits I look back at jaden who's already looking at me "let's go baby" he says I get up from his lap then he stands up and places his hand on my lower back.

We walked back down the stairs to the many area I saw bars and poker tables jaden led me to the bar area I sat down but he didn't there was a seat open right next to me but he just stood behind me and lend over me the bartender came over to us "what do u want baby" jaden said to me "just sprite" I say "can I get one whiskey and a sprite" jaden said the bartender walked away then came back and gave us are drinks I felt someone tap my back I turned to see josh "hey" I say as I got up and hugged him "hey faithy" he said "where are Bryce and Q" jaden asked "gambling" josh said as he led us to them as we walked up to then u could hear them arguing "ur so fucking stupid I won" "shut the fuck up before I kill u" jaden hit both of them "ur both ass at this" he said as he sat down and pulled me to his lap. "Of my fucking god hurry up fuck face" josh said to Bryce "shut up before I shut u up" Bryce said back "I've seen a corpse think faster then u" jaden said they all argued like they were 12 I couldn't help but laugh. "Quinton what are u doing" I ask "winning" he answered with a grin as he stacked his chips up "to bad ur dick ain't that big" jaden said as Bryce and josh laughed "go fuck faith in the corner" quinton said back as he stuck his tongue out "oh I will" jaden said I elbowed his rib cage " dam girls putting u in cheek" Bryce said "guys I have 36 chips" josh announced "u have 38 count properly dip shit" I said "36 37 38 u son of a bitch ur right" he said smiling "let's go home baby" jaden said as we got up I hugged the guys goodbye then we left.

"Gosh is so hot in here" I said as we entered the house "it's always hot in this house in the summer"jaden said as we went to the kitchen "water baby" jaden asked I nodded "thank u" I said as he handed me iced water "it's probably cooler outside" jaden said "then let's go outside" I said as I followed him outside we sat on the outdoor furniture "look how pretty" I said as I pointed to the pool that was glowing "have u been in the pool yet" he asked "no" I answer "well then looks like we're going for a nights win baby" jaden said as he got up "come on let's go change" he said as he held out his hand I took it and he pulled me up and threw me over his shoulder and ran inside and up stairs to my room and threw me onto my bed "change then meet my downstairs" he said as he left my room. Before he fully closed the door he winked I got up and went to my closet. 

I picked this one and threw a hoodie over it I almost grabbed a towel then went downstairs I saw jaden starting in the kitchen in black swim trunks I could see his leg tattoos and all the others that the suit would hide he had a lot my eyes fell o...

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I picked this one and threw a hoodie over it I almost grabbed a towel then went downstairs I saw jaden starting in the kitchen in black swim trunks I could see his leg tattoos and all the others that the suit would hide he had a lot my eyes fell on his v lines "come here baby" he said I walked up to him he immediately removed my hoodie and threw it on the floor "that won't be needed I sent all my men house so it's just u and me" he said as he scanned my body the walked outside he jumped in immediately to the deep area then opened his arms "I'll catch u" he said I jumped in and he did catch me "it's cold" I shrieked as he splashed me "god ur so pretty" he said I swam away.   I saw a side of him that I hadn't seen before, I silly side and side that had a sense of humour.

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