You're My Medicine

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( i wrote this in hospital bc there was nothing else left to do and the wifi is shit here . i cba to explain what happened rn and what may happen in the future as it's currently 22:58PM rn but i've given up on my life so here you go . )

Mugsy is in a predicament where she's been hurt . BAD . And guess who's there to help .


Red and blue flashing lights. An ear-piercing wail from the ambulance, breathing as heavy as the weight on an angel's crumbling shoulders. She looked around the insides - no use, all blurry.
"M.. y yo... ok?" Was all she could hear in the rumbling ambulance she lay in. A red straw dangling above her head, before part of her face was dripping with salty water from above. Everything felt too hot. Her throat ached for a drink but she couldn't do that right now - not when it was still burning like hell.
She coughed again, eyes watering more profusely, until someone held a cool rag against her forehead and she felt something drip onto her hand. She gasped in relief, taking it gently. It wasn't much, just a small piece of cloth that barely covered half of her face, but at least it was a bit better. But only a little. Not nearly enough for her, though. And then her world went black.

" don't mess this up, 'Dr'!" .. what was that she heard? She tried to rise up from her position, but was yanked backwards like an elastic band. Everything.. hurt. A gasp was heard and someone was pushed upon her. "..ow" She muttered and her vision sharpened.. oh my goodness - it was Cuphead! But he looked so.. cracked? His eyes were waterfalls, cascading and gushing out water and wrapped his arms around her. "I.. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT YOU- YOU'RE OK!" He smiled and sobbed into her shoulder. "H-Hey i'm fi-" She tried to utter out, but was cut off by Cuphead tightening his grip, sobbing heavier. He didn't stop until she managed to breathe through her nose. "S.. sorry." He apologized and pulled away. "It was.. I thought you weren't gonna make it!" He hiccuped. "You've been asleep for three weeks!" "Wh..what?" She croaked. No.. no wa- that can't be true! 3 WEEKS? Cuphead suddenly turned around and clambered off of his sister. He was told some things and quickly left - leaving Mugs in the room with someone else.

"Wh.. where's Cuph..ead?" She questioned the person. Footsteps from shoes quickly approached her and placed a hand on hers. "You'll be oookkkaaaayyyyy!" A sort-of annoying voice reassured her.. is that?

"Just stay put, Mugsy! You'll be as good as gold in no time!" OH MY GOSH. BOWLBOY? She thought and started to panic, breathing quicker and quicker. He sharply placed a hand on her forehead, immediately stopping her breathing. She had slowed down and turned her head to look at his. His head mirror sitting on his head and his white coat down by his sides. His stupid smile.. made her- happy? Happy, she repeated. He took her hand in his and stroked it softly. "Shhhh.. it's alright now." He hushed softly and she smiled. She suddenly felt safe.. but why? Bowlboy was absolutely INSANE! He tried to kill her brother before, but at the same time he called her pretty that one time when she wore that weddi.. but still! Why did he try to help her? Why would he? It must have been a trick, right? So why did she.. stop. Was she- was she FALLING for someone - specifically HIM?

"Mugsy? Hey, are you alright?" She looked over at him and saw the worry in his face - he seemed genuinely worried about her.. "Yeah.. just thinking is all." She said. Truthfully, she was but she dared not say what. Both of them continued to talk over and over, until the door creaked. A red, bent and slightly tattered straw peeked out.
"Hi, Cuphead!" Bowlboy waved and he looked him down.. but still waved back. That was cold.. oooh!
Cuphead rushed over to his sister and hugged her again, a bit softer than earlier though. 'Was Cuphead considered a third wheel now or- GOSH MUGSY! Don't think like that!' She thought. Cuphead was whispering with Bowlboy outside the door as she twiddled her thumbs. What did she even look like? She looked around the room in search of a mirror. Nothing. So she tried to get up. But a sharp pain shot up her porcelain leg and she froze up again.

Mugbowl Drabbles/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now