Chapter 2. Famished

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There were so many hallways in the castle, and you honestly had no clue where to go. You do remember passing by a café, but you can't quite remember the name of it or where it even is. Was it left? Maybe two rights? I'll just try that because I honestly don't know where I am going. You took one left and two rights down the long corridors. You found yourself in what looked like a dining hall. You saw many swatchlings of varying colors from red to blue and they all seemed to be rushing to do something. You decided the only way to actually relatively get close to getting food was to ask one of the swatchlings for directions. You went up to a red swatchling.

"Hello! I was just wondering if you could give me directions to what I believe is a café in the palace." You said oddly nicely.

The swatchling pointed to a napkin. You assumed it was meant to give to him. You picked up a napkin from a neatly set table and gave it to the swatchling. The swatchling pulled a pen out of his pocket and wrote something on the napkin. He then gave the napkin to you. The napkin had a map drawn on it. The map was also oddly drawn very neatly and there was no tear on the napkin whatsoever. The napkin didn't seem to be one of those cheap paper ones though, it looked like a cloth one. Why would a swatchling waist such a nice napkin? The Queen doesn't have endless money after all.

You followed the map and it led you to a very colorful place. The auditorium mostly consisted of the color blue and various other doors to other rooms. There also consisted of a skylight which you just now realized that there was no day or night in the cyber world. But one thing that truly caught your eye was the bright lights of what looked to be like a café. You decided to go towards it and see what it had.

You walked into the café and saw....Swatch? Isn't he the servant for Queen? Is he really that busy? No way he does this much all at once. Even though you hate that bird you decided to talk to him anyway. You're going to starve if you don't any sooner.

"Hello, Swatch, I think that's your name, right?" You said partially scared because you forgot how tall he was.

"Welcome to the color café. How many we warm your da-," He paused and then turned around. He saw you and his feathers instantly ruffled into excitement.

"Oh, Y/N! I'm surprised you found your way here with no directions." He said surprised.

"First of all I got a swatchling to give me directions. How did you even know my name? I never told you."

"Ah, ok I see how you got here. The Queen told me your name. She had to look through your recent search history to find it. She was intending to stalk your account to figure out more about you. You have to give her a little recognition because your account was a struggle to hack into. So, what brings you here Y/N?"

"I was just looking for something to eat. I am starving to death." You said while chuckling.

"I'm not surprised. You looked like you were new to the cyber world and had only been here for a couple hours when I first saw you. So, what can I offer you?" He spoke.

"What's on the menu?" You said while groaning.

"We have some luxury spaghetti or called SpaghettiCode and some ButJuice." Swatch said.

"Could I have both. I'm so thirsty and hungry it's honestly insane." You spoke.

"As you wish, knight." He said then bowed.

"Now, let me bring you to a table to sit at. One of my swatchlings will be your waiter. Swatchling! Bring Y/N to a table." He said commandingly.

A swatchling then made a high-pitched noise and came over to you. It guided you to a table and inferred for you to stay. You waited for about 10 minutes and your waiter came over to you with a platter in hand. He opened it and pulled out what you ordered. You never expected it to arrive so fast because the place was practically bursting at the seems with people. The meal looked practically mouthwatering. You took your first bite of the spaghetti. You took a moment to process what just went into your mouth. It was so flavorful, and you could practically taste everything they put in. You continued eating but you went at lightning speed at how famished you were. You finished your entire meal in about 10 minutes and honestly had no clue what to do after. You realize you needed to pay so you waited till your waiter came back to get your dishes. The waiter came fast so you needed to ask quickly.

"Hey, uhm, swatchling I need to tip and pay you." You said.

The red swatchling pointed to where Swatch was hastily working. He insisted that you talk to him about paying. You decided to listen to the red swatchling and go towards Swatch.

"Hey Swatch, the swatchling wanted me to talk to you about paying for the meal."

"Ah, that swatchling consistently does this. The meal is free, just take it as a little consideration from me." Swatch said sweetly.

"Oh, really? Thank you Swatch."

You can't believe that you had so much hatred towards that bird before. You never knew he could be so sweet. He was also very considerate of his words towards you and others. You look forward to seeing him again. You spent the rest of your day resting in your amazing new room and doing whatever. You soon found yourself asleep on the most comfortable bed you have ever been on. You had a weird dream. You were at what looked like an acid pool but on a swan float? You were with a deranged man and a girl that looked like a deer. You couldn't remember much from the dream whatsoever. You were honestly freaked out. You had flashes of perspectives from other people, but you couldn't remember what happened during those flashes. Suddenly, you heard a knock at the door.  

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