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Decades Ago

Amras had been in Thailand with Anastasia for only a couple days. And already, his feelings about her changed drastically.

Because they were posing as an engaged couple, they kept up pretenses whenever they were away from the room. Holding hands, embracing, and occasionally kissing. That last one had him conflicted to say the least. Because these kisses were not a chaste thing.

When Anastasia kissed him, she fully committed to them. Following her lead, he did the same. As a result, these exchanges were full of infectious passion. Their saliva had mingled more than once. They were sometimes practically making out and even groping each other through clothes sometimes as they crossed the threshold to their suite. But as soon as the door closed behind them, she separated from him effortlessly, meanwhile he was intoxicated.

In addition to the intoxication, he found on this particular night that sexual arousal joined it seamlessly. For blood roared in his ears as they kissed. And then he was aware of the heat in his groin as he had her pressed against the door a mere moment before they finally got through it.

Thankfully, a cold shower was enough to banish it. And it blessedly stayed gone as he went to bed with her only mere inches away.

Then he found himself pressing her against the wall after the door to their room was closed and locked as he was ravishing her lips with his own. She was wearing that skintight dress, which was Imperial Purple in colour and tastefully accentuated her breasts. He'd be lying if he claimed to have not imagined peeling it off of her when he first saw her wearing it. And his blood was really set aflame when he felt the lack of a waistband through the fabric of her dress.

He was then aware of his trousers being pushed out of the way as he raised her skirt. Then he was inside her...

And then he woke up.

Amras realized that it had been a dream. The sting of disappointment that he felt surprised him. And the arousal he woke up with persisted.

Then Anastasia rolled over in her sleep and cuddled up to him, wrapping an arm around his torso as she very nearly spooned him. He was internally relieved that he had his back to her. For he felt that he might have willfully woken her up and offered to make love to her. And he had a feeling that she wouldn't have rejected him, as he realized in hindsight how she looked at him, in spite of her efforts to go unnoticed, whenever they met in person before this.

He tried to get up, intending to put some distance between himself and her to get ahold of his feelings and emotions about all of this. But she just held him tighter in her sleep. Any further attempt to move would certainly wake her. If she woke up, she would definitely notice. So he was stuck. He couldn't think straight with the deficit of blood in his brain. And with the adrenaline coursing through his veins, he couldn't get back to sleep.

When his scattered thoughts turned to wondering how it would feel if she was awake and reached down to touch him, he swore under his breath as he finally gave in. He slipped his hand beneath the waistbands of his sleep pants and undergarments and pushed them both down just far enough. Goosebumps raised on his skin from the steep difference in temperature. And he grit his teeth as his hand closed around his inflamed cock.

From the first stroke he was drowning in pleasure. It seared through his veins as his strokes became fast and desperate. For when his senses became acquainted with these feelings, his senses became frenzied and he needed more. The pleasure that flooded from his groin overwhelmed him. He imagined it was her hand touching him, and an ecstatic cry caught in his throat as it threatened to spill over. And he buried his face in his pillow as it finally did.

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