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390 3 3

Rui P.O.V.

It was just another casual day in the village, although the location of my property is different from theirs. You can tell I'm a sorcerer by the type of clothing I seem to wear every day.

Putting such insignificant informatios aside, I have been mindlessly in this old path in the forest for unknown reasons.

It's not like I could stop on my tracks. My body seems so focused on its way inside the darkest part of the path, that it cannot see how much I have been trying to make it stop. Never the matter, there might be more resources to which case I might need.

The more I strolled inside the path, the more the biodiversity became denser. It seemed like there was no end to this path. That was until my walk came to an end. I heard someone's voice. It wasn't as far as to continue to make me walk, but it was close, like it was right next to me.

I looked to one of my sides to see a knight. His back was resting in a tree but there was something out of the ordinary that caught my eyes. It was the blade marks on his arms, as well for cuts in his face and the blood streaming down, for what I presume, his head.

He had those empty eyes, filled with nothing but helplessness. I feel pity for the knight and tried to help him as much as I could.


Rui: I'm sorry to enter your momentum in such a weird way but I could not but wonder to myself, do you need any help?

???????: I would feel grateful for such. Thank you. If I may also ask, are you a sorcerer?

Rui: Yes, I am. I'm sorry for not saying anything beforehand.

???????: It's ok. Please do not fret over such a topic.

Rui: Fufu~. I'll try not to.

???????: Oh where are my manners? I forgot to introduce myself.

Rui: Seems like I also forgot too. I guess we both don't have any manners. Well, my name is Rui, Kamishiro Rui.

Tsukasa: My name is Tsukasa, Tenma Tsukasa.

Rui: Nice to meet you, Tsukasa-kun.

Tsukasa: Nice to meet you too, Rui.

Rui: Now that we have properly introduced ourselves, I would like for you to stay still for some minutes. One wrong move and it might cost more of your lifespan.

Tsukasa: How do you know?

Rui: I once did it to myself and as a result, I lost an unfair amount of my lifespan. Please, just don't talk or move while I heal your wounds.


As soon as I said those words, I focused my healing magic on the palm of my hand and placed it on Tsukasa's wounds. There was no end to them. His arms were full of battle scars and what seemed like fresh self-harm scars. I can not blame Tsukasa because I personally don't know his life story and I don't want to invade such privacy out of the blue.

I finished healing the wounds around his arms and chest and it was time for his face. As soon as I placed my hand on his cheek, he hesitated to lean to the touch, as my warning gave him awareness of how this could be potentially dangerous. It didn't take long before finishing.

I haven't taked my hand out of his cheek. He didn't hesitate to lean in my cold hands. I chuckled a little but didn't take my hand off.


Tsukasa: Can we stay like this for a while...?

Rui: Yes, although my hand might fall asleep if I continue.


I repositioned myself so he could now lay his head on my shoulder. I wrapped one of my arms around him and stayed in silence that was soon broken by Tsukasa.


Tsukasa: May I ask you a question?

Rui: Why of course you may. What seems to be the matter?

Tsukasa: It's nothing serious but just something I couldn't stop wondering about. Do you believe in love at first sight?

Rui: I presume I do. I never felt love in my life so I can't respond to your question fully.

Tsukasa: Is that so... How are you feeling right now?

Rui: I feel like my stomach has something in it that is making me anxious. My cheeks, however, seem to be getting warmer by the second. This all happened when I first saw you. Are you a sorcerer but in disguise?

Tsukasa: No, no, nothing like that. What you just described is the meaning of falling in love with someone or rather, love at first sight.

Rui: If so, do you feel the same way towards me?

Tsukasa: Yes, I do.


As soon as he said that, he cupped my cheeks and kissed my lips with his. It felt...nice. His lips are soft and the kiss seemed rather calm. I couldn't hold it and kissed him back.

Seems like love has finally caught me and I'll make sure to preserve it for as many years as my lifespan can.

🧙‍♂️꓄ꁝꏂ ꏂꋊ꒯🗡️

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