The Not So Great Outdoors Part 2

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Helllooo, I'm gonna start putting questions at the beginning of chapter.

Does anyone just start crying if you talk about your feelings when someone asks?


(Y/N)s POV

Remember when DJ was comforting Sadie-katie whatever her name was? Yeah well now I need comfort. I'm currently standing on a cliff staring down probably like more than 500 feet down. I can't even fuckin swim, I'm literally gonna die. Goodbye mum, goodbye pa, I'm going to see Nan in hel-

My last thoughts on this earth were interrupted by Chris "Okay, today's challenge is three-fold. Your first task is to jump off this one-thousand-foot high cliff, into the lake." He said smiling like he hasn't just sentenced me to death.

Despite how crazy Chris sounded he continues with his explanation of how my death will probably go.
"If you look down, you will see two target areas. The wider part area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic, haha, man-eating sharks. Inside that area is a safe zone. That's your target area. Which, we're pretty sure, is shark free." Chis explains, his hands on his hips.

He continues on explaining the challenge, but I wasn't really listening.
Due to the fact that I cannot fuckin swim. How the fuck am I supposed to do this? If I don't do it, I'll probably get voted off. I don't want to leave on the first day for such a lame reason.

" So, who wants to go first?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Bridgette asking a question. I looked around to see no one volunteering. I mean, hey I would stay quiet too, and I did.

"Hey, don't sweat it guys! I heard that these shows always make the interns do the stunt first, to make sure it's survivable." Owen says assuringly. I somehow doubt that Chris would go through that much trouble.

"So, who's up?" Eva asked.

"Ladies first." Duncan said, nodding his head to Bridgette. She looked nervous, and I liked her. She seemed like a good person, so I walked over to her. "Hey do you wanna jump with me? I mean I can't swim, but will it make you feel better?" I ask her, whispering incase it embarrassed her.

She smiles sweetly at me. "Are you sure?" She questions, looking at me with grateful eyes. "Yea, just dont let me die." I joke, giving her a closed eye smile. She nods and quietly giggles.

"Ok. It's no big deal. Just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks." She whispers to herself, as she grabs my hand. We jump off the cliff together. As soon as I hit the water panic set in.

Why the fuck did I do that? I can't swim. She looked so nervous, I just wanted her to feel better. She reminds me of Evie.

I start to flail around, trying to stay above water. Just as I think I'm about to be sent to my main bitch Satan, I feel a hand grab mine and pull me up. As I start coughing aggressively, trying not to choke on water. I look up to see Bridgette. "Are you okay?" She asks, patting my back. I quickly put a thumbs up and smile.

The boat brings us to shore, before going back to get the other contestants. Bridgette and I sit down. "Thank you (Y/N)." She says, smiling at me. I look at her and smile aswell. "You remind me of my sister. I didn't want you to feel scared." I replied, looking at all of the people jumping in the distance.

"Oh, what's her name?" She inquires, playing with the sand. I stay quiet for a second, before looking at her sadly "her name was Evie." I say softly. She looks at me in understanding, before putting her arm around me.

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