Chapter 3

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"What do you want to eat?" Karma asked as he led Adam over to the numerous restaurants.

"Anything is fine," Adam shrugged. "I'm not a picky eater. Since you're paying, you choose,"

They settled on a sandwich shop. Although the shop was small, the quality of the sandwiches were amazing. Adam ordered a meatball sub and as he bit into it, one of the meatballs fell out of the sandwich. Bone Cheetah caught it quickly and ate it. He purred and nuzzled Adam's hand.

"Bone Cheetah likes you," Karma said.

"No, I think he just wants my sandwich," Adam moved his meatball sub out of Bone Cheetah's reach and Bone Cheetah whined. 'Bone Cheetah is begging me for food with those cute puppy eyes. Why do I find the temptation to give in difficult?' He ended up tearing his sandwich in half and giving one part of it to Bone Cheetah. 

"I was going to feed him part of my sandwich," Karma said.

"He seems to prefer my choice in food instead," Adam petted Bone Cheetah's head. 'If anyone from headquarters questions my actions, I will claim that this behavior is to blend in like a normal student,' "I'm not giving you the other half. This one is mine to eat,"

"Bone Cheetah, do you seriously prefer meatball subs over BLTs?" Karma asked his son.

"Mrow," Bone Cheetah nodded.

"Seriously, where are you even getting that food preference from?" Karma mumbled. "I created you so your tastes should align more with mine. You've never even had a meatball sub before so how could you prefer it over a BLT?"

"So your property is bones creation?" Adam inquired, deciding to gather more info about his classmate since it might be useful in the future.

"Yeah," Karma nodded. "I can make objects like weapons and armor out of bones. I can also make living beings out of them too like Bone Cheetah,"

'Professor Stones so easily got rid of her remaining rock golems from the training exercise without any emotions,' Adam noted. 'But Karma is different. He actually cares about Bone Cheetah despite the fact that Bone Cheetah requires constant energy for him to remain active,'

"What about you?" Karma asked. "What's your property?"

"Just the usual enhanced speed and strength," Adam shrugged. "Nothing special,"

The two continued to have casual conversations for a couple minutes. They both finished their sandwiches and decided to start heading back to the dorms. Adam was confused why Karma was still following him to his room and thought his cover had been blown for a second. The confusion was cleared up when it was revealed that Karma and Adam were next door neighbors.

"Guess I'll be seeing you around then," Karma said.

"Yeah," Adam entered his dorm and shut the door. His poker face dropped and his face burned bright red. 'Why is my face so hot?' He rushed over to his bathroom and splashed some cold water on his face. 'This can't be! I'm...I'm blushing!?'

Adam took several deep breaths and tried to calm himself down. He returned to breathing normally once his face was back to its usual color. 'I admit that he is physically attractive to my taste, but love at first sight is such a strange concept. How can one fall in love without knowing the personality of the person they're in love with?

Adam thought back to Karma and Bone Cheetah. 'Perhaps it is not only his physical appearance that I like about him, but also his love and care for his creation. Maybe this isn't love at all. Yes, it is stupid to call this love. It is merely admiration,'

He finally fully recomposed himself. 'Yes, it is indeed admiration. A foolish concept such as love does not belong in my world. I am just a tool. I am just a weapon. I am a monster at the organization's disposal. I have no will of my own,'


Adam woke up the next day to the sound of someone trying to pick his dorm room's lock. Immediately alert, he grabbed a nearby knife but remained ready to utilize his blood manipulation property if necessary, although he doubted he'd need to use anything other than his knife, enhanced strength, and enhanced speed.

He opened the door and came face to face with Bone Cheetah trying to pick the lock with one of his claws. "Does your father know what you're doing?" 'Did Karma send him here to spy on me? Did he send him to break into my dorm?'

Bone Cheetah pounced onto Adam and started licking his face. He purred as he nuzzled his skull against Adam's face. Adam petted Bone Cheetah's head.

"Bone Cheetah!" Karma frantically called. "Bone Cheetah, where are you!?" He burst out the door of his own dorm and into the hallway. He let out a sigh of relief when he spotted his son with Adam. "There you are! Do you know how worried I was!? I was starting to think I might've accidentally deactivated you in my sleep!" He hugged his creation tightly.

"He was trying to break into my apartment," Adam deadpanned. "He was literally picking the lock with one of his claws because he wanted me to pet him that badly,"

"Bone Cheetah, you're not supposed to do that," Karma lightly scolded. "Sorry for waking you this early in the morning,"

"I'm an early riser anyway," Adam shrugged.

"Since I doubt you have another sandwich on you, Bone Cheetah actually likes you instead of just your food," Karma commented.

I dislike love at first sight. I do not believe in love at first sight. If you don't get to know their personality, it just feels like you are only attracted to their looks.

I also finally finished the cover of this fic.

I also finally finished the cover of this fic

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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