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    Du Heng and Xiaoman's stalls closed earlier than other stall owners, and it took them more than an hour to go home, unlike other stall owners who were from the county, and it took only a stick of incense to go home.

    Although it was early to collect the work, the ingredients prepared by the two were almost sold out.

    The days are short in winter, and it was already dark when we got home.

    Huzi who was alone at home watching the gate could hear the movement of the two of them with keen ears. He lay down on the low wall in front of the courtyard early, and wanted to jump out to meet him, but he was not high enough, so he wagged his upturned tail and rushed out. phantom.

    When I saw my old buddy Big Scalper appearing, I barked a few times excitedly.

    Du Heng opened the courtyard door, and the dog jumped on him immediately.

    "Okay, I saw you, go back to the house."

    The dog jumped and barked around him, Du Heng helplessly touched its dog's head before it stopped.

    Du Heng advanced into the kitchen room to light the stove, and then went out to unload the ox cart with Xiao Man.

    As soon as the two of them were busy, the house suddenly felt like someone was at home.

    Du Heng was afraid that Xiaoman would freeze for a day after going out, so when the water in the pot was hot, he first poured a bucket of water to soak Xiaoman's feet, this is the fastest way to get rid of the cold and warm his body.

    In winter, Xiaoman also likes to soak her feet, but she used to soak her feet before going to bed, but when she has a child, she naturally puts the child first and takes good care of herself.

    Du Heng was carrying a bucket of pig food to feed the animals, and he soaked his feet under the stove while cooking hot dinner. While feeling comfortable, he did not forget to take out the bag of copper coins he earned today and count them carefully.

    Too many copper coins are very heavy, but the things beside them can be heavy, no one thinks too much money is heavy.

    "There are more than 1,800 articles here!"

    Seeing Du Heng coming out of the pigsty, Qin Xiaoman couldn't wait to talk about today's results.

    Du Heng put down the bucket and washed his hands in hot water: "Then calculate how many copies we sold today."

    In fact, Du Heng could calculate it with a moment of silence in his heart, but he was still waiting for Xiaoman's result quietly. Xiaoman pinched his fingers and muttered for a long time: "More than a hundred copies?

    " According to calculations, it is said that she was stupid for three years after being pregnant, how could she be stupid at the beginning." She

    is not very smart in the first place, and if she is stupid, she will not know how to go home even if it rains when she goes out.

    Qin Xiaoman pursed his lips.

    "One hundred and twenty copies. Calculate the cost first. One copy can earn five cents. If you ignore the cost, you can earn six hundred cents."

    Du Heng told Xiaoman the result of the calculation: "Our business today is really good. Hearing this ,

    Qin Xiaoman laughed again, and he gently touched his stomach: "If you can earn so much money every day, you will be blessed when the baby is born."

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