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(TW, Future mentions of C0k3 and B!ađ3s. I'll put a TW before the actual part so that way you know when to skip!!!)

9/28, Saturday, 1:00 PM.

I'm wrapped up in a soft blanket, the sun beating down through the window. I open my eyes and I am instantly met with a earth-shattering headache.

I shoot up and hold my head in my hands, groaning. I sit there for a moment. Before a sick feeling digs into my stomach. I roll off the couch and book it to the bathroom- where I flip the toilet lid open and puke into the toilet. I dry-heave for a moment, its disgusting. I brush my teeth with one of the multiple spares we have in each bathroom since Rowan and Wren always have friends over and brush the disgusting pukey taste from my mouth.
I flush the toilet and flick on the fan, then walk out.

I still have the worst headache ever.

I start walking down the hallway to Oakleys room, and open the door to check on him. Upon seeing him not where he's suppose to be, I panic a bit.

I run to go check if he's in ny room, he's not.

Next stop is the kitchen. Maybe he just got a little hungry?
I run down the stairs and stop in the kitchen doorway.

Sitting at the kitchen island, is my missing child. A empty plate infront of him. At the stove is Michael, who's staring at me instead of the food he has on the pan.

Oakley smiles wide, and gets up to huge me. I huge him back half-heartedly and plant a kiss on his head.

"Good morning Oaks." I mumble, running my finger through his hair. I can't believe I just about freaked out over him not being in his room! He's perfectly safe and sound, I dont have reasons to suspect otherwise now that I've moved here.

"he was nearly in tears about how hungry he is." Michael mumbles, glaring at me.

I look at him, then at Oakley.

"I'll cook you something if you want, I'm sorry I've been asleep for so long hon'."

"No need, I making him an egg sandwich." Michael turns back to the stove. I don't necessarily like the fact a stranger is cooking my little brothers food. I walk over to stand beside the stove, watching Michael closely. He looks at me weirdly.

"Do you think im gonna poison him?"

"You very well could."

"Is it 'cause I'm-" I know what he's about to say, and I cut him off purposefully.

"No, I just don't trust anyone but me to make my brothers food." Michael rolls his eyes and returns to cooking. Once the egg is cooked, he slides it onto a piece of bread an doubts some pepper on it.

"Oakley likes one piece of bread to have mayo on-"

"Already done." Michael cuts me off. Once he puts the top piece of bread on, I grab the plate with a glare at him, then put it infront of Oakley.

(POV switch!!)

I roll my eyes as a Fawn turns around. You'd think that because I get along with her brother so well, it'd be just about the same for her- and i don't think the apple falls far from the tree in this case.

'I don't trust anyone but me to make his food' so picky! Unreasonable, even.

She turns around to look at me as this Oakley kid eats- apparently Wren has even more siblings i don't know about!

She stares straight into my soul, I scoff and start to clean up.


10/ 3, 5:00 PM.

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