Robin vs heroes!

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Robins and Mks Weapons clashed causing a small shockwave to blow out 

Mk grunted while Robin just chuckled 

Oh can the might monkie kid not handle a simple fight? Robin asked

Mk kept grunting 

Oh how sad it was that this will be your last fight forever! Robin said as he kicked mk in the guts 

Mk grabbed his stomach in response to the pain

Robin slashed his sword at mk who dodge only having a few strands of hair coming out 

Mk quickly dodged all of Robins blows 

Unfortunately robin cut mk cheek 

Gah! Mk screamed in pain

He could feel the blood dripping from his cheek 

Robin smirked as he jumped up with the katana in both hands ready to slice mk when mei got her dragon sword and blocked it

Mei? Mk asked 

Mei only smiled 

Just then sandy punched robin in the head 

Robin stumbled back 

Pigsy then jumped on robins head punching him multiple times in the head

Robin threw him off but was met with a fiery punch from redson 

Robin grabbed his jaw after being hit 

Macaque and wukgon both jumped up and attacked robin

Macaque! Mk said happy to see him back

Hey bud didnt think i would go down easy did you? Macaque asked smirking 

Mk only smiled 

Hey bud we could use some help wukgon said holding robins katana from slicing him

You know you really need to get a new weapon Mk said getting up and going to attack robin

Wukgon quickly letted go of the katana and dodged as mk flew in and smacked him with the staff 

Robin stumbled backwards 

Gah retched mortals! Robin yelled

Uh did he just say mortals? Mei asked

He did.... Of course the roaringsberg are former celestial Gods! Tang said his glasses shining 

Oh took you long enough to know robin snarked chasing mk

Mk used his staff and dodged robin

Miss me! Mk said taunting him

Robin threw his katana at Mk 

Mk quickly blocked it

Well you just lost your only weapon! Mk laughed 

Robin growled as he became a lion 

You forget! robin yelled causing a powerful force to push them back

Oh so thats why your called roaringsberg i just thought you guys were lame trying to act cool Mk said

Robin growled and accessed his claws and charged mk 

Mk blocked him with his staff 

Unfortunately robin was fast and stronger 

As mk blocked his attack robin went behind him and punched him harder then before

Mk flew 

GAH! mk screamed as he flew backwards

The others went to attack him but robin dodged them quickly then sliced them in the back

Gah! They yelled as they were flinged back

Mk got up and rushed robin 

Robin dodged and tried to slice mk

Mk kept blocking the attack

Whats the matter mk tired? Robin taunted mk 

Mk growled his body glowing a slight gold glitching out 

Robin and the others looked confused at Mk

Mks body kept glitching during the fight

Just then Mk got a sudden power boost and punched robin hard 

Robin went flying and hitted a wall

Robin shook his head a glided towards mk

Mk whos body still glitched dodged and grabbed robins leg tossing him to the ground

Robin roared as his body fully became a lion

Now its time to die! Robin yelled as he pounced on mk

Mk whos body kept glitching held his hand out as he took a deep breath

Uh kid?! Wukgon yelled

Just then mks glitching stopped as he now stood as a monkie

They all gasped 

Robin was now in shock 

Mk punched robin harder 

As robin flew mk teleported next to him and punched him again

Robin stoped and posed as he got up looking at monkie mk

What the? Robin asked

Mk glared 

You hurt my friends mk said walking towards him

You framed me Mk said as tears fell

Robin moved backwards 

You hurt mei! Mk yelled sending a shockwave out

Robin was moved backwards a slight bit

He looked at mk

Mk just glared

And now your gonna pay! Mk yelled charging him

Robin only smirked 

Finally a challenge! Robin yelled his claws coming out ready to slice mk

Mk grabbed his staff and spun it still glaring 

Robin laughed as they were about to collied 

Give it up mk! Robin yelled

Never because i am the monkie kid! Mk yelled as they clashed 

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