The red string will guide

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°°°°•°°°° The fate was playful, playing a cruel joke. Because in no world could I hope to be worthy of you°°°°•°°°°

The  world seemed to come to a standstill. The air stilled. As he saw him walk through the automated doors. The Alpha had the soft charm of humility, yet his metallic black eyes filled with confidence. He had shaken his whole new workspace. The heart of each and every beta and unmated omega was now thrown at his feet. And Chan was not so surprisingly one of them.

He listened to the latter greet his co-workers. The brown of his hair, the small twinkle in alpha's eyes, everytime someone brought up his dance skills, the way his eyes crinkled into crescent moons as his lips turned into an adorable Cheshire cat smile. Chan noticed it all, and guilt swirled in his stomach.

But Chan also heard the dark whispers, and the way a wary frown took over the alpha's features. Whispers about him. Spoken by his female omega colleagues as well as betas. And nothing could break Chan's heart more than when the alpha avoided all types of association with him.

"Doesn't he already have a boyfriend who he also claims to be his mate. Why is he staring at Minho like that then?"

"I told ya, he is no worse than an omega on constant heat. These male omegas are always throwing themselves at every alpha they see. I don't know how Jisung turned out to be such a ball of sunshine when he hangs around him."

The burden of his guilt increased. It felt so wrong to think of Kyungsoo when Minho was infront of him. Chan hated the fact that his inner wolf went feral in Minho's proximity. Blocking his mind from the dark whispers he went back towards his studio.

Minho had that comforting air around him which drew in Chan. All he wanted was a friend he could rely on completely, atleast that is what he thought.

Pushing aside this uncertain and foreign feeling along with guilt that he blotched his best friend's name in darkness. The omega focused on his work unbeknownst to him, the storm that awaited him at his house.

Kyungsoo's POV

The time seemed to be trickling like sand from my hands. Both agonizingly slow and yet anxiously fast. As much as I prepare, it still won't be enough for what I am about to do.

The door opened, an amused Chan stood on the doorstep, his eyes wide is astonishment and a tint of fear. The slightest bit of that emotion brought the despise I held for myself to boiling. I deserve alot more pain that I received for destroying you, Channie.

A slight smile, and a small gesture is all it takes. As the emotions in his eyes are replaced with the bright joy and mirth. His warm form bounds into my open arms. How can you be so kind Channie, to forget of all the darkness bound to me.

I melt into him for just this once. Let his warmth seep into my skin. And stay in this little bubble for a while. As he nuzzles his face in my neck. We stay in this moment frozen until my  words break the warm barrier between us and the world. My monotone voices carries the sombre words to his soft ears. And I see his eyes widen in fear as I speak the words with regret.

"We need to talk about us, Channie."

Noone's POV

Dread again reared up it's head like a hissing snake, as Chan looked up with guilless eyes. His arms still latched around the torso. His chin propped on the chest of the Alpha. As his chocolate brown  eyes gazed into the jet black ones.

"I reject you as my mate."

A few words was it all that took to tear apart Chan's world. He could feel the thorns of a rose vine prick his heart as the flowers bloomed, absorbing his blood. He felt cracked and splintered yet a weight lifted above him. And Chan hated this feeling.

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