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A grey room, covered in dark as the curtains stopped the sunrays to get inside. There in the middle of the room, under a light blanket laid a boy of early twenties, his curly hair was messy, lips in a small pout, bread cheeks puffy as he slept on his stomach.

His sleep was disturbed when the alarm clock rang. He stirred and brows furrowed, lazily he stopped the constant irritating sound and turned to other side to sleep again. But he couldn't do that for long as another sound came, this time from his phone. He whined but picked up the call.

"Taetae! You're still sleeping!"
It was none other than his bestfriend Park Jimin.


"Dumbo wake up! You forgot our semister starts today!"
Taehyung stayed still for awhile still with droopy eyes but then shot his eyes open remembering their vacations had ended and it's their start of last semister.


"Yup! Now go wash up and come fast, I'll head out soon too"

"Yea yea, thanks chim"
With that he cut the call and went to do his morning routine. He had some leftovers from yesterday's dinner so just heated them up and ate alone in his house like always.

It was spring, but his house was always cold, because except him there was no one else to warm it up and he himself wasn't a cheerful one to do that. Only a elder woman would come once in two days to clean his house, rather then that it was all alone.

He locked his house properly and climbed on his bike to head to college. It took almost 10 minutes to reach there. He found his bestfriend in the parking area in a really happy mood. Taehyung smiled slightly at him and took off the helmet getting off.

"Good morning tiger"

"Morning Chim.. why so happy? You never seem this excited for college?"

"Uff! I wonder how you even get good grades when you don't even remember anything!"
Taehyung made a confused face on that.

"I told you my Busan Bunny is joining here this semister! He is coming today! I haven't met him for so long..."
Taehyung now remembered that yea, Jimin did tell him about a guy who was joining his last semister here, because both of them planned to graduate together. 'Jungkook' that's probably was his name. Jimin told him that boy lived near his grandparents' house and they were really close friends and for some reasons he called that boy Bunny.

"Oh yeah.. I remember now.. but don't spend too much time with him, I'm still here"
His voice was pretty stern at the end and Jimin chuckled on that.

"I know I know... come let's go to our new class"
This time Jimin did a disgusted face because he was good at studies, but he never liked those boring classes and Taehyung chuckled.

They walked side by side, Taehyung put his arm around his shoulder as they walked through the hallways. Few girls doing fangirling over both handsome boys, mostly over Taehyung as he was the one single yet. But Taehyung didn't give a fuck on that, he was gay and it was known to everyone, but few just couldn't get it into their heads.

"This one I guess"
Taehyung said stopping infront of a room. Jimin also stared before entering. They went to the end seats not at all interested to sit in front.

"How do you feel about your last semester Taehyung-ssi?"
Jimin asked putting a imaginary mic infront of Taehyung.

"Nothing perticular reporter mochi"

"You're boring"
Jimin rolled his eyes and then watched few more students walking in. Few of them waved to both and Taehyung just nodded.

"We're really graduating in a year! Wow"
Jimin exclaimed.

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