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Great so I found this thing and yeah

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Great so I found this thing and yeah. I will proceed to answer these questions. 

_S_N_A_P_E_ I'm still working on the reveal you picked. 


Do I have a crush?

Yes I do

Irl:  Her nickname is Sushi. She's really sweet. 

Fictional: Well heck Alastor and Pepa  (I know I know I have strange love preferences or more what I'd say is people that are closer to me than others cause I don't have strong romantic relationship feelings with anyone.)

Middle name?

Yep! Stahara (yes my imaginary friend and one of my OC's are both named after my middle name.)


5'6" (I keep saying that I am 5'6" then it turned out the thing I was using to measure was off and I was 5'4" but I am now correct and I grew. Back to 5'6" peeps)

Shoe size?

I has da baby feets. Despite my height, depending on the cut of shoe it can range from a 5-7 in US sizes for women. (I've been to a few countries. Our sizes honestly confuse me now and idk why)

Eye color?


Last time I cried?

Yesterday afternoon

Biggest fear?

Losing my loved ones (Honorable mentions: Spiders, snakes, the dark, sharks, being alone and cats)

Last song I listened to?

I'm so sorry by Imagine Dragons 

Last person I texted?

I was talking to a friend who is running a marathon today. Someone was in the hotel room across from hers dancing in his underwear. 

Y'all don't have to tag people and I won't tag anyone so yeah

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